MovieChat Forums > Macgruber > Replies
Macgruber's Replies
Revisiting those childhood classics with your own kids is automatically a good time. I bet if you would’ve watched it alone it wouldn’t have been half as good.
Probably. I always liked “dead or alive you’re coming with me” and “somewhere there is a crime happening” better.
Never saw any different strokes but the Jefferson’s had a bunch of these types of episodes. Guys with guns, kkk members, you name it. Well not sure about child molesters but it wouldn’t surprise me.
The Full House episode with the kids drinking beer and one dude sprays it all over dj, and later uncle Jesse thinks she’s drunk.
Also the Family Matters where the racist cop harasses Eddie and so Carl has to confront him.
These weren’t as good as Carlton with the gun but they were still trying to be a little edgy.
We need to determine the superior race, of course.
For sure
Yeah I think we pretty much agree on all parts. Where we pry differ is I just feel like there is no mass solution that can be implemented. If it all boils down to the family and individual choices, how do you fix individual black households, or anyones household other than your own or the people close to you? From my perspective I have 100% control on how I conduct myself, raise my kids, treat my wife, etc. how I choose to handle all those things will have a major impact on how my kids will turn out. But it’s all by my choice, based on my conscience formed from my own upbringing. But we can’t control piece of shit moms and dads that are ruining their kids minds with their shitty choices. Maybe i sound heartless but I’m content on concerning myself with my own family/friends/LOCAL community and letting everyone else fend for themselves because I feel that’s all I can do.
Rambo is a pussy. Anybody wanna get high
What would the conversation be though? Is it even useful to say blacks commit more crime? Let’s pretend blacks were responsible for 100% of all crime. Ok so what? What could even be done to correct this? How do we even use this information? I don’t really understand how to fix big picture problems like this. I think it all starts with a stable home with a loving mom and dad. But if we’re saying look it’s all because of this group of people… well ok what are we supposed to do with that knowledge?
I’ve heard shaving your head doesn’t get rid of lice. Which is odd but apparently true.
Ice Cube
He’s Canadian so when he says about it sounds like aboot
I really don’t want a lot of his stuff. If he’s in something that’s supposed to be great I’d watch it. I’ll watch fresh prince re-runs if someone’s already watching them. I get the feeling the tennis movie is gonna harp on race so that makes me not want to see it.
Someone outta slap him.
That seems pretty reasonable. But I could see people just being dumbfounded watching it happen and not really know what’s the right course to take. Maybe if it was some unknown dude walking at chris Rock they’d be right on him. And I suppose if Chris hadn’t played it off like he did it could’ve gone different as well. I agree not good for Will but I would think someone with credible insider knowledge would’ve said something about it being staged after this backlash. As far as I know, no one has.
That was really more of a plot hole than I was expecting
Based on that clip my guess is he thought people would think it was so hilarious, wacky, unexpected to do an exaggerated long kiss instead of a normal handshake, hug or kiss on the cheek. I feel like I’ve seen him (or someone) do this to an old lady just for the laughs. Instead he looks like a creep because she was young and attractive and doesn’t seem to be in on the “joke”.
Do you think we never landed on the moon?
To me it’s almost better that he slapped someone as relatively likable as chris Rock. Had he slapped Baldwin he wouldn’t be as much of the asshole and the humbling multiplier would’ve been less. I suppose a compromise could be he slaps Rock, then Baldwin immediately after, followed by a nice dirty fight with Baldwinabd smith with Rock giving the play by play on the microphone?
Wait so we agree?