MovieChat Forums > FilmBoy > Replies
FilmBoy's Replies
after 1 ep watched, gonna pass on this. The review helped me decide.
They tricked/lied to him.
They said he was going to be a superhero, but instead they sell them as slaves.
He killed everyone trying to get back to the main guy because he thought he could make him look normal again - another lie.
LOL - g1
Well ya - I cringed as well.
Let's see a deep tonged lesbian superhero kiss dammit!
Well..Chastain DID win an Oscar for it. So it's worth a viewing just for that.
I agree. This guy is everywhere. (Fred Armisen)
Ever since Saturday Night Live.
I don't know how he keeps getting gigs!
Well I guess this is what is normal for kids to watch these days.
You forgot to mention the blonde human kid mind torture scene. Where he was restrained with a mind torture device attached to his brain, he was screaming in pain, and his nose started bleeding. To try and get the kid to give up his friend's location. Charming.
And ya - this has gotta screw with a young viewer's mind somehow, in a dark way.
Ya looks cool
Well put
It had too many characters that the average action movie viewer asked 'who the hell is that and why should I care' (Like me and my Wife) which was probably the word of mouth that didn't hype up the film.
I never heard them say that they can track who's in it.
I'm going to steal this...
It's over the top and under the bottom
But ya, one of the reasons I stopped watching was his stupid New Yok accent. He's Canadian, eh?
Go for it. I'm too lazy. Post your link here if u do.
Feel free to use my observation about the BATMAN link.
School Ties might be referring to the TIES that bind people together throughout life.
Not an actual neck tie.
But the only way Kocus would take offence is if he KNEW that his sis gave Bear a handy.
Which he probably didn't - why would his sis tell him. And since it just happened and they travel in diff circles he probably wouln't have known.
So in that case Krocus' response should just have been HUH?
Each era would have it's own hell
Ya but if you hear an interview with the real guy - no accent.
It's like Hanks thought 'I have a great Dutch accent, and I'm gonna force it in here dammit!'
I'm Dutch, and it was a shitty accent TBH.
Ya that was lazy. The guy knew everything, all details about the demon, freaked out when a-hole guy broke the seal with his foot, then just stood there while he was about to be consumed, without even trying to run away.
Plus the Demon walked at the pace of a 4 yr old toddler.
Oh - I didn't know she dead.
Shouting into the past...
They DID make IV in 2015 but Sam Rockwell ruined it for me - bad actor.