MovieChat Forums > FilmBoy > Replies
FilmBoy's Replies
same - and it does make me wonder - don't the actors read the script before signing up? I know it's a paycheck, but have some integrity.
Yep - I turned it off after the underground subway chase.
Went on for 5 mins of running around and she loses the English Cops and goes a few levels deeper and there's Pierce waiting in the dark, rolling a stun grenade at her. An idiot would easily realize that a bullet to the head would be easier, but noooooo.
Even if he had a GPS tracking her position
Even if the GPS worked underground
Even if the GPS could tell you which subterranean level she was on
There were way too many other insults to the audience. I had to leave the movie at that point and retain some dignity.
Good points all.
I have had these similar thoughts while watching. Do you take notes - or watch a 2nd time?
Most of my thoughts dissipate after the movie is done and I'm no longer upset at being duped by another MMM (Mindless Movie for the Masses).
Most people watch it and never let their mind go back to see that parts don't make sense.
I wonder how when the script is written at a slower pace that some average IQ writers don't constantly say 'hey, this doesn't make sense'. Is there always some loudmouth in the room who says 'don't worry about it - keep going. no-one will even notice!'?
Becall would never say it to Bogey I'm sure.
There's a lot to unwrap here.
All bad.
Why did she never ask how Cassie knew the guy didn't touch her while she was passed out?
And how did Cassie have a key to her room?
Ya - and why take off the plates from her car?
Ya, that was a tough sell. Videos like that don't stay private, AND she was in that circle of friends.
I immediately noticed it to - and enjoyed it. Not sure why they put it in tho.
Ya. My GAYDAR was going off, especially during the mandatory music montage.
I actually stopped watching because of him - can't stand his over-acting in anything he does. This is the most subdued role I've seen him in, and it still agitates me. No subtlety about his acting.
I agree. I noticed it right away. Looks like they put the gun and hands on top of another picture. Doesn't look natural.
I had to keep looking away. Especially the car chase scene. The camera-work was a wreck unto itself. Intentional I know - but really annoying. I just wanted it to end.
Yes - I think he is a VERY bad actor, but great as Colonel Steve Austin!
Thx for confirming I made a good decision not watching anymore after halfway thru ep 2
There seemed to be way to much character development and not enough...oh you know fun stuff people wanna see like time travel.
Ya I agree. He does try to explain it for us tho. And I do like it when he predicts the next play. He does it with amazing accuracy.
Maybe he gets paid by the word.
Ya, I thought Mr Big left a lot on the table as well. He could have asked many more questions and obtained more details rather than just, OK - that's it then.
BTW - I live 10 mins away from where this happened.
Ya it would give real war technicians a fit. Many things were unrealistic.
Her rejection of Hank's marriage proposal was brutal.
"ummm, ya - NO. I wanna keep my options open"
"Why not keep the exit guarded" good point.
And I can't get over that Harry Styles forced dancing scene which was never explained, other than it being a dumb power demo by Pine.