MovieChat Forums > FilmBoy

FilmBoy (1183)


Tricked Me They should have just paid him Ya that Shay sure was UGLY! Why was Kevin Flynn digitized in the scene with his young son at the beginning? Just watched on my VR Headset with Headphones on a 100 inch screen I wonder if little-people will sue Her posture in the movie poster Jack Black has promoted SATAN in quite a few of his ventures As an I.T. guys back in 2000 "He's making violent love to me, Mother" View all posts >


and at then end reveal, we see that al the pretties are grotesque pig looking people. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So CLU was always a digitized (CGI) actor and Kevin Flynn was always a real actor (Jeff Bridges) in the movie. EXCEPT at the very beginning, the viewer can see that Flynn was talking with his young son BUT the actor portraying Flynn was digitized CGI. It should have been the real actor instead. Very close to JIZZ Julia Louis-Dreyfus 90s?! Nope. Try 70s. or Her Thanks for presenting another point of view in a respectful way without being combative like 'You're a moron for not loving this masterpiece!' We need more back and forth like this on this forum. HAHA, you forgot to switch profiles and answered your own post - trying to make it look like someone agrees with you. I do agree btw. This was in the early 80s. Drinking made you drive/fly better back then. Ya jump scares are a cheap device that lazy Directs use. Thanks Alfred Hitchcock - a'la Black Cat jump scare. View all replies >