FilmBoy's Replies

Well she's had 2 centuries to practice - so maybe she's good enough. Fuck off - get a life, and stop posting BDAYS! Ya, I thought the Inspector was just playing along and setting a trap for Ripley - but nope. Ridiculous. Enough with the FUCKING birthdays already - get a life. If you have something relevant to post - great. If not - shut the hell up. NO ONE CARES about their birthdays, and if they did, they would look them up themselves. ...and I liked it tooooooo Ya, she's like a kid playing dressup. ...said Kelly LeBrock. Definitely MEH for me. HAHA I misread it and thought you meant your Bday lasted 40 seconds. Especially someone like this - not even a Movie personality, on a movie/tv board. Get a life please - and STOP posting these BDAY posts! That 'bridge truck speeding up to hit him' scene look like stop-motion from an old Godzilla movie. Quite bad. Yep - Tobey and Kirsten flashback. I did laugh at the end of that scene tho when SM is pulled into the elevator shaft, they all move away, but the teacher says a half-hearted 'Thanks' Like no-one really cared if he was OK or not. Ya it's like the media told us that she is one of the HOTTEST LOOKING ACTORS and we were all supposed to believe it, and many do. I'm not seeing it. HAHA that made me laff - but then I thought - that might become reality someday. Space Cigars.....hmmmmmm Thx for the warning. I had the same idea 15 mins in. REMOVE FROM LIST Ya and he made them all look quite inept. I kept telling my wife - If any SEALS/COPS/FBI etc ever see Statham, I wouldn't be surprised if they punch him in the face for making them all look so useless. Oh yeah - that elevator scene. I don't think he lived. But still - no reason to shit over my OP. He wasn't the attendant. Plus, I think he shot all of the law enforcement officers in their bullet-proof vests. Didn't kill any. Except maybe one he threw over a balcony? At least they're going the 'legal' route. Otherwise - she dead!