MovieChat Forums > FilmBoy > Replies
FilmBoy's Replies
Damone - super annoying
ya that was quite an UNBELIEVABLE plot twist.
I thought so as well.
Definitely odd architecture.
Ya Walken trumps Caruso.
Brothers never narq on eachother. It's a code. Rock would be labelled a PUNK ASS BITCH if he did.
Check out the series he was in HALT AND CATCH FIRE
Reminded me of the ending of Close Encounters of the 3rd kind. When all the abductees walked out of the UFO.
Same- watched it for the 1st time last night. What a find!
I laughed when he got out of the car and kept shaking, then stopped - but stated shaking AGAIN - that got me.
Yep - I wanted to FFWD all her scenes.
Anyone killed by Empire methinks
Your WEDNESDAY wish will be answer 8 years after your post. But not portrayed by Ricci, altho I think she had a cameo.
Awesome, thx.
I just watched this.
Superman 1940 Cartoon - Episode 1 FULL Episode
18 yrs later and I can't find the version with more than the 1 full frontal in the shower scene. I hear there is a version with 9 naked girls.
Dontcha know how to use this thing?
You haven't turned into a fag have you Craig?
Great scene.
as blond as a blond could ever be
But where did her towel come from. She was full frontal before that cut. I guess the director forgot to adjust the frame.
I was wondering that as well. Probably just made it up.
Ya it's pretty cool. Not available from here anymore tho.
And if they're just CGI, it shouldn't be too hard. CTRL+