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degree7's Replies
Travis spent a lot of time watching porn alone and equated it with human intimacy. To Travis, pornography was something special to him, and he tried opening up to Betsy by taking her to see it, which he was hoping she’d understand.
[quote]The incident allowed him to move on from his own inner-darkness, anger, and frustration. It was a sense of release that improved his overall life. If that makes sense.[/quote]
Actually there’s a brief moment at the end where Travis adjusts his rear view mirror and the music makes an ominous, jarring note and he gets an insane look in his eyes. It showed that he was going to snap again further down the line and it would be even worse.
because he’s a sick, perverted freak
In ordinary circumstances, Ruth and Matt are good honest people who would never dream of conspiring to commit murder, but the failings of the legal system force them to take the law into their own hands. In this way, The Fowlers, the Strouts, the police, the lawyers, and the judge are all complicit parties “in the bedroom.”
If a global thermonuclear war was not enough to wipe out all of humanity, I doubt trying to gas the entire planet would work either (not to mention the logistics of attempting that would be incredibly time consuming and nigh-impossible, even for machines). However that’s not to say Skynet didn’t try biological warfare against any survivors.
It seemed like the human resistance groups lived deep under ground, much like the Vietcong, and would have booby trapped or hidden their tunnel entrances. If one section was gassed then they could just wall it off and move to another underground base. Guerilla warfare is highly effective against these kind of tactics. Also you have to remember that by the time the film begins, Skynet had already lost the war. The resistance had “smashed their defense grid.”
Probably because the rest of the movie takes place far from where the massacre happened. Kyle and Sarah wouldn’t hang around there, they were on the road. Maybe there could have been some scenes of police helicopters flying around searching for them, but this movie was also made on a budget.
Next question.
T2 lacks a certain believability and invalidates the first movie. Kyle Reese made it quite clear that Skynet had already lost the war and sent back the T-800 as a last ditch effort to eliminate John Connor. After Kyle and the Terminator were sent back, the time displacement equipment was then destroyed. “Nothing else comes through.” So then we are supposed to believe that Skynet had another time machine the whole time, and were able to send back an even more advanced model? How? Why not just keep sending back terminators then? Why not send ten, or twenty terminators? Apparently Skynet is capablenof anything now. Also a liquid metal terminator is simply too over-powered to be believed. Why can’t these “nanomachines” just fly through the air and kill John Connor, or break into smaller pieces and run after him from different directions.
Well the T1000 would have thawed quickly anyway due to the molten lead/steel that was coming towards it. What Arnie should have done was pick up the giant icicle and thrown it into the furnace when he had the chance.
In the Alien universe, equipping androids/synthetics with weapons or lethal abilities is outlawed by the Geneva Convention.
What do they have to worry about,
This movie will suck equally as bad.
Pretty sure that has been true since the 1970s with the beginning of the EU and all the thousands of spin offs that have existed since then. Unfortunately, Disney took a giant dump all over that.
[quote] I don’t think there has ever been a good female villain[/quote]
Durrrr.... Nurse Ratched in Cuckoo’s Nest, Angela Lansbury in Manchurian Candidate, Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard.
Lol it’s funny how you’re completely wrong about this, but keep arguing otherwise. Again, if Nedry was planning to leave the island, he wouldn’t bother making a hand off at the dock with Dodgeson’s guy. He would have just gotten on the boat and then met Dodgeson somewhere else. The fact that there was someone at the dock to meet him makes it very obvious he was making a hand off to return to the control room.
[quote] There was no way he could steal dozens of multi-million dollar embryos and then just come back and sit on that chair unnoticed.[/quote]
You moron. That was precisely Nedry’s plan. He designed the White Rabbit virus to be disabled with a password once he got back to the control room. Hammond wouldn’t even notice the embryos were missing until the next day, and Nedry would be gone. And it was explicitly mentioned in the book that Nedry fully intended to return to the control room to turn everything back to normal. Nedry only wanted to steal embryos, not commit mass murder...
not sure about the entirely
Black outfit, was expecting something more regal. Also pictured Caladan to look different
If you paid attention to the movie you would realize Nedry was meeting Dodgeson's guy at the dock to hand off the embryos. Why else do you think he would even be there? Also why else would Nedry set a timer for the white rabbit virus if he was gonna leave the island, or bother disabling the security cameras? Also in the book it's explicitly mentioned Nedry wanted to make it back to the control room in time. Seriously, pay attention next time.
i took one look at the photos and gagged a little bit. Hope this movie flops hard.
The idiocy of your comment is astounding. Saying people deserve to get fired for having AIDS is worthy of ridicule, you nincompoop.
Clearly you’ve never heard of the term “emotional abuse.” The dad was an a-hole who had twisted views on what love is.
I’d prefer a movie that actually followed the book. One of the better thrillers I’ve read.
There’s a few interviews of Jeff explaining that shot. He said he figured the character would be injured/delirious on pain meds, and possibly suffering from some kind of fever, so he decided to unbutton his shirt. And evidently Spielberg never objected.