degree7's Replies

You’re sounding a lot like Hitler right now. Wolf of Wall Street was nothing but Scorsese ripping off himself. <blockquote> Karen” is such a dumb insult. I can’t get over it. 🤣 All of these supposed “non-racists” on social media, basing a politically charged insult on a generic female name for a specific race of women...used only after they throw a fit and it’s caught on film. I love the hypocrisy of the millennial generation! Lol. So if there are videos of Black women throwing fits put on YouTube...are we going to start calling them “Chantel” or something? Or maybe we could start taking videos of all Mexican women going nuts and calling them all “Rosita”? Or is it only NON-racist when it’s white women being called “Karen”? I laugh at every person who thinks “Karen” is a clever insult, which seems to be all of the hypocritical morons on Twitter who think they are geniuses. It’s dumb as shit. </blockquote> Shutup Karen Maybe it’s a peace symbol Most television series are only good for the first two seasons. They have those liquid meals that come in a bottle and taste pleasantly umami, a bit like cake batter. Subway is pure trash, and Jimmy Johns is bland. The only real good sub chain is Quiznos. I wouldn’t really describe The Godfather as cinéma vérité. But I do agree that it has a more expansive story. America doesn’t have a “left.” I used to think she was hot, until I saw Jodie Foster’s Beaver, then I changed my mind. He would have the same geriatric actors in the roles, but de-aged with CGI. Just imagining the terror those children were experiencing right up to their grisly end is enough to convince me that Landis is a piece of human shit. Roy was going to enjoy a long anal-probing by those ETs. Or we’d have an alternate WWII with the USSR vs Western Europe. I thought that was a horse “ Nowadays someone can bang out an animated movie like this in a couple of weeks.” LOL nice joke It’s way better than the crap that gets nominated for BP these days. Han was supposed to be rescued in the beginning, then killed off about halfway through during a raid on a rebel base by the Empire. According to the original “Revenge of the Jedi.” You’re not explaining this very well. How exactly is killing your dangerous, hothead, psycho nephew any different from killing your dangerous, hothead, psycho son? They’re both equally as bad. Also, Chris had devoted his entire allegiance to Tony, and even gave up his own fiancé’s life out of loyalty for him. Chris loved Tony as much as Tony loved his mother. Tony killing Chris and then laughing about it just shows what an unfeeling sociopath he was. He was also actively plotting to murder his Uncle Paulie merely for talking too much, and was prepared to kill his best friend Hesh over 100k. Also, if you think Tony wouldn’t murder his own kids if they tried to usurp his power, then I have a bridge to sell you. Everything you mentioned is what made that scene great. Lol.