MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > It just seems really NOT COOL to always ...

It just seems really NOT COOL to always have this site keeping Hitler in view.

What is the deal?

As some of the Internet sites around the country are starting to realize they are being used to promulgate hate and negativity, why is it that MovieChat doesn't step up to their responsibility and investigate this?

Who is doing it? What is common in their activity? New accounts? From the same IP? From the same ISP? Originating in the same country?

Why is it important for MovieChat to ignore that Hitler is starting to look like the brand? Seriously MovieChat, behave like adults and look at this without the laziness or just ignoring it. It is not a cool thing to come here and always see Hitler.

So you think Google would allow that for a second in their front page? Facebook? Twitter? Amazon? ... and any other website?

Grow up and grow a pair and protect your brand as a serious website ... or just say you are part of Breitbart, or 4/5Chan or some other fascist revolutionary brand?


well wasn't george orwel kinda of keen of hitler but realized he was trying to seize control of everything in authoritarian style after hitler tricked governments for funding against versions of communism

If we sensor him we are no better than the likes of Fox news and CNN are a lot of the time.
There's always gonna be people who hate. But censoring Hitler's ideals would send the wrong message.


Freedom of speech, we can discuss who we want.

Thankfully this site is run by people who understand this.


It seems that most of the posts in the Hitler board aren't saying anything positive about him anyway.
So I don't see what the problem would be.


Sounds like you wouldn't care if they were saying positive things about him.


C'mon now Brux, nothing in Furienna's post sounds that way and its's also an accurate statement

The Hitler board was brought to everyone's attention today because you chose to post about it
Had you ignored it this entire thread about Hitler wouldn't even exist

Use your head


Ironically, I hadn’t even noticed him trending (which, probably makes me a Nazi in Brux’s world) until I saw this thread, which in turn lead me to read the posts on the page in question, just to see what all the fuss was about.


Same here, it seemed mostly to contain historical debate, I saw nothing offensive


‘Why didn’t they invade Switzerland 🇨🇭?’ I’m sooooo offended.


Yeah, what!?! Switzerland's not good enough to annex or invade?!?
I'm starting to think those NAZI guys were a bit stuck up and dickish!


A bit like the OP then.


Oh man, I've had a bumpy ride with that one for years...just endless hurt feelings and griping, JEEZ!


Or develop a more entertaining style of trolling...either/or...


I believe in freedom of speech, even when I don't agree with another person.
So I won't let other people's discussions about Hitler bother me.


That sounds like your cover for being a Nazi sympathizer.


I did once compliment him on his excellent posture in that photo.


You’re sounding a lot like Hitler right now.


Perhaps you should stay out or discussions you do not have the intellect to understand since you obviously have no idea about who Hitler was.


Of course I know who he was. City Lights and Modern Times are some of my favourite movies by him.


stop trying to sanitize the internet. most people are making fun of that bozo anyways. censorship ruined all those sites u mentioned lets not ruin this site as well


This site is already ruined ... there are only maybe 100 or so people who bother to comment and only 5 or so have anything interesting to say. The rest are busy defending Hitler. ;-)


nobody defends hitler he is more a fun meme. if u censore this you just improve his imagine and make his message more powerful


and what time is it in moscow ... or it is slovenia?


why are liberals the most racist, when they are supposed to be against that shit? i am an American but my parents are from Eastern Europe and that is the coolest place in the world. if you actually spend time there enjoying life maybe u wouldnt be so small minded any petty. of course most people talking shit about there are too busy slaving away in USA paying taxes and consuming overprices shit to ever travel the world and expand their minds


I think about that all the time. I feel like I’m caught in a massive cycle of consumerism.


its never to late to get out of it. start living below your means and spend your money on experiences not things. you wont regret it


That is not Liberalism, since any true Liberal believes in free speech.
It is more like Communism if you ask me.


yeah that is true most liberals these days are acting more like commies


News flash. It's people like you, who ruin it.


Go bash ANY mainstream news site on the internet. THEY DO THE SAME THING.



Stop talking about him then.


Well, it could be Bin Laden. But instead it's Hitler and occasionally Stalen lol. The two boozum buds.


