degree7's Replies

The irony of your comment is astounding. You don’t even use the term and you’re trying to lecture me on what it means. Hilarious. Go back to snorting paint chips. Pretty sure you or at least anyone you know has visited my store at least once. And I would have every authority to kick you out. Have fun living in your backwards hick state that’s no doubt experiencing a severe uptick in cases because of your dumb mentality. Let your state rot. Of course it’s noble you’re willing to put grandma and grandpa on a ventilator all for your personal “freedum.” Whoah spoilers! Lol jk I coined that term. It’s all inclusive. There’s nothing racist about the term Karen, also I was using the term before it became “cool” and mainstream by the media. If you ever worked in retail, you would know that the term is based on truth. Also it’s not even a “tremendous dig,” it’s just a joke at customer’s expense to give some levity in the workplace. It has nothing to do with wearing a mask, but refers to condescending, arrogant, bitchy customers who come in and expect retail workers to lick their soles while groveling to their every need and whim. It’s a term of affection for a customer base who treats us “essentials” like their doormat. Whether their name is Karen, Monica, Megan, Kevin, Chad, Ken, or Kyle, it doesn’t matter, if you’re a booshie prick who comes in thinking you can treat service industry workers like trash while you got to stay home safe during quarantine , you deserve all the unintelligent mocking you can get. On the contrary, the film is deliberately ambiguous regarding any supernatural elements. According to Polanski: <I> "one aspect of Rosemary's Baby bothered me. The book was an outstandingly well-constructed thriller...Being an agnostic, however, I no more believed in Satan as evil incarnate than I believed in a personal god; the whole idea conflicted with my rational view of the world. For credibility's sake, I decided that there would have to be a loophole: the possibility that Rosemary's supernatural experiences were figments of her imagination. The entire story, as seen through her eyes, could have been a chain of only superficially sinister coincidences, a product of her feverish fancies...That is why a thread of deliberate ambiguity runs throughout the film."</I> The role was originally supposed to go to Robert Redford. I liked Cassavetes in this, but can’t help but wonder how different the film would have been with Redford. The twist would have been much more shocking. <b>That you know</b> Every time you venture outside without a face mask you’re putting others at risk. If you came into my store without one I wouldn’t hesitate to kick your ass out. Everything you described in Last Crusade is present and multiplied ten-fold in Crystal Skull. It’s like a carbon copy, except much lamer. At least Crusade felt like an organic part of the series, Skull is just a poor cash in. lol imagine trying to narrow down Dylan to “top five songs.” So noble you’re willing to sacrifice others to prove your point. Says who? The only person upset about the term “Karen” would be a Karen themselves. YOU’RE A KAREN AREN’T YOU. RIP His A.I. (2001) review had me laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe at one point. Dune is another forced woke turd from an overrated director, who feels compelled to butcher the source material I believe it was called ToyFreaks. 40 Year Old Virgin. Something about it felt fresh when it came out, different from the usual frat pack comedies of the time, but also at its core was a feel-good story that gave hope to people who felt like losers. It also cleverly satirized taboos about sex and relationship frustration in a way that didn’t seem condescending. The movie has a lot of heart. A few of those were somewhat controversial. There was one channel that was struck down due to the father exploiting his children for views, bordering on child abuse/neglect. He would cruelly prank them or film them while in obvious distress. Even dressing them up as babies with pacifiers, despite the fact they were 7 or 8 years old. Really creepy. A salient point.