degree7's Replies

Well the Gore Verbinski version is a very good remake, I will give you that. But it pretty much copies a lot of the shots verbatim from the original, and it lacks a certain subtlety the Japanese version has. It also severely screws up in a number of areas, most notably the infamous tv scene. Whereas in the original the scene never cuts away, in the American one we get a bad, jarring edit that cuts to Naomi Watts trying to call the Noah character, and then speeding through the city in her car like a bad action movie. And the final reveal of Samara’s grumpy face isn’t nearly as scary as Sadako’s demonic eye. And the videotape, while effective, at times feels like an edgy student art house film rather than a real curses videotape. The sheer unexplainable nature of the original videotape and its random images create a more unsettling feeling. I would say Forrest Gump is the better movie over all. It had many advancements in special effects, and the character of Gump is like the American mythos personified, with a Buddha quality too. Basically a modern day Tom Sawyer. Big Fish, on the other hand, is a much smaller and more intimate story, but I seem to remember it being a little bit too twee and whimsical to take seriously. Blade runner 2049 is one of the boringest movies I’ve ever seen TDK is one of the worst movies ever made, ngl I guess the movie will suck even more ass There were only 47 civilian casualties from the Pentagon, but since they were working for the military, or were contractors, then technically they could be considered to be legitimate military targets too. Also technically the WTC could be considered an economic target, which the US used liberally as a means of imperialist domination. They’re the headquarters of the DOD and the seat of the commander in chief of the US armed forces. They’re certainly military targets. Attacking military targets is literally not terrorism. I certainly don’t think they deserved it anymore than the sailors at Pearl Harbor, but when you goad someone into attacking you it’s not exactly surprising. As for civilian casualties, I guess we call that “collateral damage.” Just like the 1 million dead Iraqis. How else were they supposed to hijack the planes? This is just a rip off of Ringu/The Ring. Same basic idea, people are infected by a curse, but instead of via a videotape it’s passed through sex. Then the only way to get rid of the curse is to pass it on to someone else. Rip off! This is a good reply. Particularly the bit about Protestant ideals. A lot of that goes back to Europeans colonizing the new world. They were escaping hardship into a land that they believed was gifted to them from God. America was founded upon the ideal of freedom of movement, of limitless expansion (manifest destiny), and it has continued this philosophy into the 21st century: the problem is we’re running out of space. I would say the Pentagon and White House were good (military) targets. If they’d only hit those it wouldn’t have been terrorism. Too bad about the twin towers. But then again, America has no one to blame but itself. It’s basically a remake of The Road Warrior, but set in the ocean. This is the same photo that was plastered all over the news and newspapers when it happened, which did a pretty good job drumming people up for Iraq and Afghanistan. And you were taken in by the superficial charms of a sociopathic criminal. You know you’re not really supposed to sympathize with the guy who dissolved a young child’s body in a barrel, right? <blockquote> Walt actually cares about his family and Jesse. </blockquote> Ah yes, the same caring man who attacked his own family with a knife, then coldly informed his sister-in-law her husband was dead. In the end he even admits he did it all because it was “fun.” Why don’t you just hit the ignore button if you can’t handle a good grilling? I think it’s a reference to Trump saying he wanted to date his own daughter <blockquote> Walt clearly cares about Jesse</blockquote> Yeah, Walt cares about Jesse so much, he murders his girlfriend and leaves him to find her dead, lifeless body, thereby granting him PTSD for the rest of his life. Then roping Jesse back into his criminal empire so he can continue to destroy more lives, and have Jesse dispose of his victims like dissolving a child‘s body in acid, poisoning his girlfriend’s kid, then watching as said girlfriend had her brains blown out in front of him by Neo-Nazis Walt was doing business with. Please, Walt didn’t care about Jesse, all he cared about was using him to cook more Meth. Walt was a total psychopath. Criminalizing drug use is the whole reason the US has lost the war on drugs. I bet you wouldn’t consider Jane a “criminal” if she was popping prescription pills or Valium. Also Jane never harmed anyone - Walt, on the other hand, was a total psychopath. <b>You’re not supposed to root for Walt.</b> I find that link a little suspect considering that the CDC numbers for stroke deaths in 2017 were almost 3x that number. Unless they’re not counting all vascular diseases. I just think shutting down the entire country and plunging everyone into a new economic recession had ulterior motives. Especially when the data provided by Neil Ferguson was problematic to begin with. But as we can see, the richest 1% are getting even richer and Corporations are buying up mom and pop shops on Main Street that have defaulted. Still not even a top 5 leading cause of death. You have a higher chance of dying in an accident. Schindler’s List