She’s the one who injected herself with heroin not Walt. Also, if he saved her she would of just overdosed later and so would of Jesse. Walt basically saved Jesse’s life here. Also, how stupid is Jane to threaten Walt with the police. She’s a nobody Junkie and Walt works for freaking Gus Fring, she would be dead in seconds if she went to the police.
Well, you don't know she would have died. She told Jesse to sleep on his side in case he threw up. Then.Walt comes in, nudges her on to her back, and doesn't save her when she starts choking. So, that would be why, IMO.
It's because people don't know how to accept responsibility and they are always looking for someone else to blame. It's really pathetic.
I even heard someone say it was Walt's fault that Hank beat up Jesse because Walt came up with the "Marie is in the hospital" idea, yeah Jesse didn't have a word of protest and they'd both be in jail if it weren't for Walt.
Breaking and entering had nothing to do with her death. Knocking someone on their back isn't a crime, if she hadn't shot heroin she'd still be alive and BTW that is a crime.
It would technically be manslaughter, which he could be charged with. Considering he was breaking and entering in the process, the charge could be considered voluntary manslaughter, even.
BTW, depending on the state, it is illegal to allow someone to die in a situation that would not be threatening to you (i.e. letting someone choke to death). Not sure if New Mexico has such laws, though.
No it wouldn't because if Jane hadn't been high then knocking her over (which isn't a crime) wouldn't have even matter. Jane's death is 100% on her, Walt didn't do anything wrong. Also he had no legal obligation to help her. I don't feel sorry for her, Jane was a worthless bitch and I enjoyed watching her die.
He didn’t do anything that would result in someone who isn’t high dying. Walt did nothing wrong. Jane broke the law and that worthless slut brought her own death upon her.
Legally speaking, it would still be manslaughter. He broke into someone's house and his actions led to her choking on her vomit, then did not turn her over when he saw it happening. Provided there's enough evidence to convict, he would have been charged.
Legally speaking it wouldn't, Walt was concerned for Jesse's safety and he was trying to make sure he was OK (it could be clearly established that Walt had a legit concern for Jesse's safety), and him knocking her on her back was a total accident and it wouldn't have even mattered if she hadn't broken the law. He would not have been charged nor should he have been. Jane was being reckless and she got herself killed, blaming Walt is pathetic, you'd might as well blame Walt for Hank beating up Jesse which is equally pathetic.
He came in because he legitimately feared for Jesse's safety and you can watch someone choke to death all you want provided they aren't your child, spouse or under your care. Jane was neither of those so he didn't have to help her and I'm glad he didn't. I wouldn't help her either, she was a bitch.
It had nothing to do with her death, if she wasn't stoned she'd be alive regardless of what Walt did. Also you can't have this both ways on the one hand you want Walt to not break into Jesse's apartment despite the fact that he was concerned about Jesse's well being then on the other hand you expect him to save Jane when he has no moral or legal obligation, you can't have this both ways.
When he breaks into a house and kills someone by accident, he's in the wrong. This isn't even my opinion. This is the law. If you don't believe me, go break into someone's house and see what happens.
When you shoot heroin bad things are more likely to happen to you, that's why it's illegal. You don't get special treatment just because you are high, Jane knew the risks and she still took them. She deserved to die.
Breaking into someone's house and killing them by accident is illegal, even if the person is on drugs or doing other illegal activities. Once again, this is the law. You have no argument.
Shooting heroin is illegal, if she hadn't shot heroin she'd still be alive. Walt didn't do anything illegal to Jane, it was Jane's actions that killed her. If Jane hadn't broken the law then Walt knocking her on her back wouldn't have mattered, you don't get special treatment just because you're stoned, you're still responsible for your own actions. You have no argument, just pathetic excuses.
Also you contradict yourself, at one point you attacked Walt for not acting to save Jane, yet at the same time you also attack him for acting to save Jesse. So which is it?
And once again, I have no excuses. I have knowledge of how laws work. If you commit a crime against someone while they are high, it is still a crime. For instance, some rape cases involve a person raping someone while they were strung out on drugs. The rapists were then tried for rape and sent to prison despite the victim doing illegal drugs.
Yes you did, you attacked him for walking in the apartment when he was concerned for jesses safety. He had probable cause to believe that Jesse wouldn’t answer the door because he knew Jesse was passing out due to drug usage. So which is it? Should you take actions to save people or not? It’s a simple question.
Also knocking someone on their back isn’t a crime numb nuts. You want to make special exceptions for Jane because she was stoned despite the fact that she broke the law. Rape is a crime so that’s a fallacious analogy.
But he had a justified reason to enter because he had probable cause to think jesses life was in danger, it’s no different than a man entering a burning building to save a little girl. Also shooting heroin is also a crime and directly lead to janes death. If Jesse had been tossing and turning in his sleep he could have knocked her over as well and we’d have the same outcome
When it comes to the law, the only "justified reason" would be something like a fire or someone being attacked. Simply being concerned is no justification in the eyes of the law.
Nope he was concerned for Jesses life and had a reason to, no different that entering a burning house to save a baby but as we’ve established tuco killed Jane.
So therefore before I run into a burning building to save a baby I need to consult the law first and make sure that I can't be arrested for breaking and entering? Sorry that's not how it works, and we've already established that it's Tuco's fault that Jane died not Walts.
Nope by your logic if Tuco hadn’t abducted Walt and Jesse (which is a crime) then Jane would still be alive so it’s his fault. Just going by your logic .
At the very best Walt is guilty of breaking and entering however seeing how he and Jesse have an established relationship and knew each other getting that to stick would be tricky, he didn’t kill Jane, Jane killed Jane. However if you want to go even further by your logic Donald killed Jane because if he made her go to rehab earlier that day then Walt’s actions would have been meaningless. Donald covered up drug usage which is a crime.
Actually I take that back, jesses parents killed Jane, if they hadn’t kicked Jesse out and abandoned their own child then Jane would still be alive. No better yet Tuco killed Jane, if he hadn’t abducted Walt and Jesse then jesses parents never would have found the laboratory, they never would have kicked Jesse out and Jesse and Walt never would have met Jane to begin with, yep Tucos the one who killed her. See how easy that was?
Agreed. That was the moment I stopped being on Walt's side and started hoping the show would end with him getting his comeuppance. I still rooted for him to get away from certain traps or to beat other people, but I definitely wanted him to get his by the end.
Jane was a woman who had suffered a great deal and was getting her life on track. Then she met Jesse. Instead of working on her artwork, going to see Georgia O'Keefe exhibits, and getting work inking at a tattoo parlour, she got back into heroin and it started to burn her life down again.
Jane got greedy and selfish because heroin was back in her life, but her backsliding is on Jesse. And a junkie is still a broken person who might be mended, not allowed to die by a greedy, selfish man who thought dealing with her wasn't worth his time.
The whole point of the show is that Walt starts as this nice, mild-mannered wimp, turns into a confident, self-assured man who has taken back his life, and then spirals out of control, gets arrogant, gets nasty, and turns into a warmongering drug lord. For me, the last chance Walt had to save his life gargled to death on Jane's vomit.
Jane was a junkie and she was the one who got Jesse into drugs. It is a crime to shoot heroin, it’s not a crime to accidentally knock someone on their back. Jane deserved to die, I’m sure if she had been nicer to Walt he would have helped.
"It would technically be manslaughter, which he could be charged with. Considering he was breaking and entering in the process, the charge could be considered voluntary manslaughter, even.
BTW, depending on the state, it is illegal to allow someone to die in a situation that would not be threatening to you (i.e. letting someone choke to death). Not sure if New Mexico has such laws, though."
It's not manslaughter, if Jane hadn't broken the law anything Walt did wouldn't have mattered. You don't get special protection/treatment just because you're stoned, the answer to her problems should have been "don't get stoned". Walt did nothing wrong and the "Good Samaritan Law" only exists within the universe of Seinfeld. Jane got what she deserved and quite frankly I would have enjoyed watching her choke to death. I wish Walt had told Jesse how much he enjoyed watching her suffocate.
He didn't kill her, her actions lead to her death, if she hadn't shot heroin then whether she was on her back or side would be irrelevant. And as we've established he had no legal responsibility to help her. There's an old saying what goes around comes around.
He does not have a moral obligation, she was a bitch to him so he was just leveling the score. She should have been nicer to him. I wouldn't have saved her either. It's just like when he let Jack die, Jack fucked him over so of course he wasn't going to save Jack.
No it's not, he had no moral obligation to help her, he would have gone above and beyond his obligation by saving her and he just chose not to, she should have been nicer to him. It was no different from when he let Jack die, Jack fucked him over so Walt didn't go the extra mile for him.
We don't see eye-to-eye. I fundamentally disagree. I think that people have a moral obligation to be bigger than their petty disputes and help each other. I think we have a moral responsibility to save people, even the ones we don't like or even hate. I think that's true goodness. The opposite of that is selfishness and allowing people misfortune for our convenience. It's callous, cruel, and I think a pretty good example of evil behaviour - especially at a level of selfishness that puts convenience (Walt didn't want to deal with Jane demanding the money - which was actually rightfully Jesse's) over somebody else's life.
The best action he could have taken would have been to get both Jesse and Jane into rehab as quickly as possible. That would have saved their lives, gotten them a fresh start, and enabled them to have a life together instead of letting Jane die (in a horrible way) and giving Jesse all that grief and guilt.
And, I'm pretty sure I'm remembering this right, but maybe I'm not... doesn't he annihilate Jack with a machine gun? That's not "letting someone die".
Walt wanted them to go to rehab, Donald wanted them to go to rehab and they planned on skipping town instead. It's called personal responsibility, Jane dug her own grave.
I'm gonna peace out here. Again: I just see this as a morally reprehensible act on Walt's side, and I guess you just don't think of good and evil or right and wrong the same way that I do.
I believe in personal responsibility and I think it's wrong of Walt haters to blame him for everything, when those characters made bad decisions and things didn't work out for them.
I don't hate Walt, but I think the story is robbed of its meaning if Walt never descends into this underworld of his own creation.
Other people share some levels of culpability - I'm not excusing Jesse, the neo-Nazis, or heck, even Jane for their rolls in events, but some of them are more innocuous.
Jane here is trying to be nice to Jesse. That's how she gets involved. She rents a guy a room when he's desperate. Not a smart move, and she clearly knew he was sketchy, but she didn't realise he was "one half of the fastest-growing meth empire in New Mexico" sketchy.
At the crux of Jane's story, though, it's Jesse who mostly gets her into meth - he didn't have to do that. And at its climax, the final moments, Walt - as the only conscious person present - has a choice: be a mensch or let her die. He opts for the latter and further slides down his spiral of destruction - both self-inflicted and caused to others. It's another rung down the ladder.
The whole arc of the story is a nice, but ineffectual guy turning into an evil powerhouse. Then the final couple episodes are him coming to terms with who he has become and the decisions he makes having become painfully self-aware.
If he doesn't backslide into moral depravity, there is no arc, and the story has no point, meaning, or value.
It's fitting that it was pitched as "Mr. Chips becomes Scarface," because I see people lauding Tony Montana AND Walter White as big-balled heroes, but that's not the whole picture. Everybody forgets the irony inherent in "The World Is Yours", choosing only to remember the firefight. With Walt, I encounter many people who consider him a champion and refuse to acknowledge the failings of the character that make him a monster. They'd rather talk about how Skyler was a beeyotch or Walt Jr. was ungrateful or Hank was just a bro.
And I just disagree. My sense of morality tells me that this guy - though he does cool things and has admirable qualities - turns himself into a monster.
Walt's a protagonist, but I don't think of him as a hero. The others are antagonists at one time or another, but I wouldn't call them villains.
The show plays with shades of grey a lot, so we get stuff like Hank being insensitive and falling into a lot of negative "jock" behaviour, but then it turns out he's a tenacious lawman who wants justice done, and a guy who cares deeply about his friends and family.
Hank was willing to sacrifice Jesse just so he could bust Walt, he served Jesse up as bait, and he tried to destroy the lives of his own niece and nephew, he was a villain. Walt on the other hand only wanted to make sure his family had the money they needed after he was gone, he even took the blame for Skyler's crimes so that she could keep her hands clean. Walt is the hero.
Walt says in the final episode that he wasn't doing it for his family, it was for him. He finally admits to himself that this was motivated out of his own ambition and ego.
I know it's not 100% an ego-maniacal trip, but that became his primary motivation. Maybe it didn't start that way, but by the end...yeah. He was in the Empire Business, remember? It stems from his regret and anger festering from Gray Matter.
Nobody on the show is innocent or guilty, they're all varying degrees of somewhere in the middle.
I'm baffled as to how you can lay blame at everybody's feet except Walt. You see Hank, Jesse, Jane, Walt Jr., Skyler, etc., etc., etc. as villains - not just antagonists (ie, against Walt), but villains - but you deny Walt's blame and culpability. You keep glossing over the evil, evil stuff that he repeatedly does - his megalomania, his selfishness, his ruination of lives, and the horror he brings swirling around him. Why is he the only one you're letting off the hook?
WALT: All the things that I did, you need to understand-
SKYLER: If I have to hear one more time that you did this for the family-
WALT: I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And I was really I was alive.
My take on the last couple episodes is that Walt realises his selfishness and cowardice and does everything in his power to undo or mitigate the utter destruction he caused.
He starts out dying and realises that he has been a wimp on auto-pilot for decades. So he turns his life around. The surface goal is that he's going to make the money for his family, but he's just telling himself that to justify following his id for the first time in a long time.
Then he spirals until he's full-Heisenberg. Only when he's watching Uncle Jack plug Hank does it start sinking in how evil he's become.
He runs away and, as he does so, he's starting to try to undo what he did, by giving Skyler a believable "out" and trying to shunt his money to his family.
Look, I'm not saying that he doesn't love his family - he does. But his primary motive for most of the series is himself, not other people. He clearly cares about Jesse, Skyler, Walt Jr., Holly, Marie, and Hank (and Gomez and others), but Walt is No.1 in Walt's mind.
I'll give you this: his actions in Felina are heroic. But for much of the show, they're nothing but greed, power, lust, selfish ambition, and drive. Evil stuff.
Yes. I know. I have been saying this whole time that his *final* actions are beneficent to his family.
Throughout the show, his motivations are partially ugly. There are nuances and shades of grey at play here, not just black and white.
Walt sees the drug bust on the news and gets the idea to cook meth. He then asks Hank if he can go on a ride-along. He spots Jesse and corners/blackmails Jesse into helping him cook. Those are the earliest actions that set Walt down the dark path. Not Hank's fault, not Jesse's fault: Walt's.
Hank is trying to get an underworld kingpin off the streets. What are you saying? Hank trying to apprehend Heisenberg means Hank "had it coming," too?
The show is more nuanced than that.
You don't see that Walt is/can be a bad person too?
It would have had to have been Walt's fault in order for it to be manslaughter, it wasn't, it was Jane's fault for shooting heroin. Jane killed herself, you're acting like Walt injected her with heroin he didn't. It's not manslaughter, people like you are pathetic, you can't take responsibility for your own actions you always have to blame someone else. It's cowardly.
My own actions? I had nothing to do with the fictional characters from this TV show. At any rate, I am citing laws. If you don't like them, my advice is to write a letter to your congressman or something.
I can't comment on the legality here, I'm saying it was a moral choice. Walt knew what Jane meant to Jesse, not to mention the fact that she's a human being, and he weighed that against the convenience of letting her die choking on her vomit and he picked death over convenience.
Forget legality, he didn't set out to kill her, but you can see on his face that he's glad she's dying. It's sinister!
Jesse's lifestyle gets Jane back in. Yeah, she brings in the heroin, but it's Jesse who makes this happen. (Didn't he introduce her to the blue meth after he feels bad for Combo...?). Jesse, by the way, wouldn't be anywhere near Jane or in an emotional state to drag her down without Walt goading him like Lady Macbeth.
I'm not commenting on whether or not anything here is "criminal", by the way: I'm talking about morality. Walt sees her die and decides to let her. He isn't legally murdering anybody. He's just choosing his convenience over her life. That is a level of selfishness that tips Walt into evil right there.
Jesse does bad things. Jane does bad things. Walt does bad things.
But Jane's addiction (make your own joke) doesn't make her deserving of such an awful fate. Walt basically murders her.
But, hey, you don't have to take my word for it. Zip over to 2:40 on this video and you can listen to Vince Gilligan and (I believe...?) one of the other writers say, "He's not any less of a murderer," regarding Walt allowing Jane to die.
Walt didn’t murder her, janes actions resulted in her death and Walt had no moral or legal obligation to help her, I definitely wouldn’t have helped her she was a bitch
No they don't, the good samaritan law only exists within the universe of Seinfeld, Walt was not her father, spouse, etc. he had no obligation to help her, Jane got a taste of her own karma and I love it.
MORAL. Not legal. Moral. I am not talking about manmade laws. I am talking about "ask not for whom the bell tolls". I'm talking about "do unto others". I'm talking about "love your enemies". I am talking about how Walt chose his convenience over another person's life, not to mention Jesse's relationship.
The action of a good man in that circumstance would have been (I mean, to stop dealing meth...) to spare Jane's life, remove all drugs from the premises, and get somebody to help him get those two into rehab. But he didn't. Because he slowly, incrementally, over the course of the show chooses evil over good until at the end when (SPOILERS) he finally comes to terms with his actions and admits to Skyler (and possibly himself) that he didn't do this for family, he did this for himself. Throughout his final days he tries to correct the evil he wrought.
How about this for karma? Walt pseudo-murders Jane and that chain-reacts into the plane crash that kills one-hundred and sixty-seven people.
And, again, I will refer you to the clip of the writers - Vince Gilligan - saying that his actions were tantamount to murdering Jane.
He didn't have a moral responsibility either, first of all she was a worthless junkie and the world is better off without her, secondly she tried to blackmail him so he was just leveling the score when he let her die. As for the plane crash that was on Donald, he shouldn't have gone into work and his supervisor shouldn't have allowed him to work.
As was demonstrated by her life before encountering Jesse and Walt, Jane was on the mend and had potential for a lot of great life experiences and to share life with a lot of people in a wonderful way. Her getting dragged back into drugs by Jesse (and Walt) is as much on them as it is on Jane and is something like what happens in Doctor Who when the weeping angels get ahold of someone: their potential is squandered and gone.
Gilligan affirms that Walt's actions (or lack thereof) were bad and were, from his perspective, Walt murdering Jane.
You have that backwards, it wasn't Jane who was hanging out with the wrong crowd, it was Jesse who was hanging out with the wrong crowd, Jane was the one who got Jesse hooked on heroin. She was responsible for her own downfall, blaming Walt is cowardly.
Jesse got Jane off the wagon by smoking weed with her and, uh...there was something else there...oh, right: meth. Her getting back into heroin didn't come flying out of the blue.
Jesse is feeling bad, so he says he's going to smoke crystal meth, and Jane joins him. Jesse's fault. Jesse was feeling bad because he and Walt pushed hard and got a friend of theirs (well, Jesse's) killed by being incautious. That happened because Walt wanted to move more and more meth and pushed Jesse into gunning harder. The first domino was Walt's.
But even if it wasn't, Jesse gets Jane onto meth. Only after that do they move to heroin. Sure, that's because Jane had a past experience with heroin, but Jesse's the one who kicked the drug use into the really hard stuff.
Jane was the one who was sending Jesse down a bad choice road, Jesse was going to be dead within a week if he kept allowing himself to be influenced by his junkie bitch girlfriend. Walt did them both a favor.
Jane is the main culprit to blame for her own death.
But there is a case of negligence and omission to act in those circumstances: you see somebody at risk but refrain from helping them makes you guilty of that.
Don't get me wrong, I was relieved to see Jane go, she was just dragging Jessie to hell with her, and sooner or later this would have happened anyway.
Skyler was a worthless bitch, I don't know why Walt put up with her for so long? I so wish she had been stripped naked, put in a barrel and then Walt slowly dripped a diluted solution of HF on her. That'd be so much fun to watch.
Of course Walt was at fault you idiots, he broke into her house then flipped her over onto her back where he watched her die when he could have helped. Legally Walt would be guilty of manslaughter or gross negligence, not to mention breaking and entering.
Watch the scene again degenerate. Walt flips Jane over on her back and then does nothing as she choked to death. He’s guilty of negligent homicide or at least manslaughter. And yeah, “worried about Jesse”, LoL, he was worried Jane was going to rat him out to the cops. Please. Walt is a narcissistic psychopath. This show obviously went over your head.
Walt clearly cares about Jesse as he saved his life multiple times when he didn’t have to you dumb Scumbag. Also, I did watch the scene he never touched Jane, he was shaking Jesse who knocked Jane on her back. If Jane wasn’t a scumbag Junkie she would of never overdosed. So go do heroin little mind.
–] MovieChatUser497 (2461) a day ago
Jane was a junkie and she was the one who got Jesse into drugs. It is a crime to shoot heroin, it’s not a crime to accidentally knock someone on their back. Jane deserved to die, I’m sure if she had been nicer to Walt he would have helped.
Criminalizing drug use is the whole reason the US has lost the war on drugs. I bet you wouldn’t consider Jane a “criminal” if she was popping prescription pills or Valium. Also Jane never harmed anyone - Walt, on the other hand, was a total psychopath. You’re not supposed to root for Walt.
Amen! The war on drugs is such a joke. These Walt worshippers make me sick. I love the character don't get me wrong but I do not condone or sympathize with the things he did.
Yet drugs are the reason she died, she broke the law and karma bit her in the ass. Legalize heroin and you'll have more incidents of people dying like that junkie Jane.
Nope actually people would be more likely to get help because there wouldn't be fear of getting into legal trouble. Would it completely fix the issue nope but it would help it.
LOL so legalize the substance so people will stop using it? Look yourself in the mirror and say that again to yourself and you'll realize how idiotic that sounds. You want to legalize the substance that Jane killed herself with so spare me your sanctimony.
Where did I say if you legalize the substance people will stop using it? I said people who got addicted would be more likely to seek help because there wouldn't be a legal issue. Your deliberate misrepresentation of what I said is dismissed.
While at the same time people are selling it legally. Also you don’t know dick about heroin, first of all you have to have a near fatal dose to get the real high secondly you don’t just decide to quit heroin, the addiction is that strong. Also I’m glad you conceded that Walt didn’t do anything wrong. Hank is the villain of the series. Case closed.
Shooting heroin in your veins is illegal. Second oh I know a fair amount I've had relatives addicted and seen what it can do. It is a strong addiction but it can be overcome. No Walt did do the wrong thing. Letting someone die when you can prevent it by a simple means is despicable. Care to double down on your Hank statement? Why does the writer Vince Gilligan claim Walt to be a terrible human? Is the writer wrong?
Totally wrong when you’re hooked all you care about is your next high you don’t just quit heroin or decide you’re going to quit. Walt did nothing wrong to Jane, he didn’t kill her, her own actions killed her (you know with a substance you want to legalize) and Walt had no moral or legal obligation to help her. Hank is a villain he violated the characters constitutional rights and what he did to Mikes granddaughter is pure evil.
Nope it can be overcome. Difficult yep but it is possible, my relative is living proof. Yeah he did by nudging Jessie which is what flipped her over. Walt is evil according to Vince Gilligan I will trust him over you.
Yeah spooge seemed like he really wanted help and not just his next fix. You don’t have the first clue what you’re talking about and by your plan the substance is just going to be more accessible to children and there will be zero chance we can ever make this illegal again you are either trolling me or very deluded. Knocking someone on their back by accident isn’t a crime, shooting heroin is. Also we’ve established that Tuco killed Jane by your logic.
Yes he is a hero, he saved Jesse from the Nazis (even though I would have just let him rot) and he left his family the money they needed.
Oh geez I have a better idea, how about we don't glorify drug usage and how about we don't completely surrender and allow poison to be sold. You act like there's only two options you disingenuous shithead.
So then Vince Gilligan is wrong gotcha. I will side with the writer of the show over some incel online.
Who said legalizing it is glorifying it? Your baseless assumption is dismissed. I live in Colorado. Weed is legal here guess what I have never smoked it and never will. No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to buy the drugs. The war on drugs makes it so that people such as Gus Fring can flourish. You make it legal you take away the drug lords power. I caution against drug use all the time, I do not condone it at all but I unlike you realize the war on drugs is doing more harm than it is good.
I couldn't care less. Also your case is dismissed I don't care if you would smoke weed or not, it's a non sequitur. There are plenty of people out there who would do drugs if it were legal, and once you do one drug it opens the door to doing other more harmful drugs. And by legalizing drugs they are now more accessible to children even when they were illegal. Throwing up your hands in surrender is not a solution. But it seems you don't care if kids do heroin you sick son of a bitch.
Also false. Just because someone does weed does not mean they will move on to hard drugs. Just like how just because someone drinks doesn't mean they will do anything else. It depends on the person's choice not the drug itself. No more accessible than now. I do care but I don't believe in the war on drugs.
Absolutely it's true, they like the feeling of being high and they just want to have an even better high. Doing drugs makes you someone else's bitch.
Your plan would make it easier to get heroin and meth, you don't care if children get hooked on those drugs because your plan would make it easier for them to get them. You are a sick sick individual.
LOL legalizing it is going to make it easier numb nuts. I have no idea where I can buy heroin, I know where I can buy beer though, and some 18 year old knows exactly where to send his older brother to buy him some. Legalize heroin and you'll have the exact same scenario. You should hate heroin anyways, it's what killed Jane, but you want to legalize that because you're an evil scumbag.
This disproves your point. There are people who just smoke weed without moving onto harder things.
And young kids aren't doing that exact same thing right now? Kids are doing that even though it's illegal. I don't get your point. I do hate heroin and drug use which is why I don't believe in the war on drugs. It's not hard to find out how to get drugs especially with the internet bud.
Except I didn’t argue that everyone who smokes weed moves into harder drugs, admit you strawmaned me, I’ve already outed you you have nothing to lose just fess up to it.
Another strawman I didn’t argue that kids weren’t already doing it, just because they do it and break the law doesn’t mean you should just be ok with it. You’re like the deranged parent on Dr Phil who goes “well all kids smoke pot, have sex and drink and drive” ummmm no they don’t.
You did a strawman first. Where did I condone drug use? Just because you don't believe in the war on drugs doesn't mean you condone drug use. Baseless assumption is dismissed.
Also you're in no position to say the war on drugs has done more harm than good unless you are able to jump dimensions and enter a reality where heroin and meth and crack are legal. Unless you can bend the laws of space and time your case is dismissed.
You realize I can flip that right back around right? We've never had those things legal in the us so you don't know. Second all you idiots said that Colorado would crash and burn if weed was legalized. Well guess what it helped our economy so case dismissed.
Actually I can, we have legalized beer and we know that it's now more accessible to children, all they have to do is get their older brother to go into a gas station and it's theirs. Strawman I never said anything about Colorado's economy. Show me where I said that or f-ck off.
It's quite clear that you don't care if we have a country full of spooges, you are deluded at the very best.
So then prohibit beer is your answer? Cause you know prohibition worked so well didn't it? Oh wait it failed! Funny thing is less people drink now that it's legal where as more people drank when it was illegal.
So it proves that weed being legal doesn't ruin cities like you people tried to claim.
Another strawman I didn’t say that. Also not the same thing, they tried to take beer away, that’s consistent with what I said about drugs, if you legalize them you can’t take it back.
Too late on weed. Now it's legal in Colorado. Guess what I'm happier that police can go back to catching real criminals who harm people violently rather than a person smoking a joint in their house.
Yeah, Walt cares about Jesse so much, he murders his girlfriend and leaves him to find her dead, lifeless body, thereby granting him PTSD for the rest of his life. Then roping Jesse back into his criminal empire so he can continue to destroy more lives, and have Jesse dispose of his victims like dissolving a child‘s body in acid, poisoning his girlfriend’s kid, then watching as said girlfriend had her brains blown out in front of him by Neo-Nazis Walt was doing business with.
Please, Walt didn’t care about Jesse, all he cared about was using him to cook more Meth. Walt was a total psychopath.
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Wow you never watched the show because Jesse and Hank both say in season 5 that Walt clearly cares about Jesse. If you think he doesn’t I feel sorry for you and clearly you don’t know what a psychopath is because Walt actually cares about his family and Jesse. That’s why he broke down crying when Hank was killed or when begged Saul to tip off the DEA so Hank wouldn’t get killed. Get off the site troll
And you were taken in by the superficial charms of a sociopathic criminal. You know you’re not really supposed to sympathize with the guy who dissolved a young child’s body in a barrel, right?
Walt actually cares about his family and Jesse.
Ah yes, the same caring man who attacked his own family with a knife, then coldly informed his sister-in-law her husband was dead. In the end he even admits he did it all because it was “fun.”
Why don’t you just hit the ignore button if you can’t handle a good grilling?
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- Walt didn't murder Jane, Jane ODed because she shot heroin because she's a worthless junkie
- Jesse begged Walt to cook with him, he even threw a brick at his car during a temper tantrum when Walt didn't want to do it
- I'm glad Walt turned Jesse over to the Nazis, Jesse ratted on him which is the most cowardly thing you can do. Jesse deserved to be a meth slave and judging by El Camino it seems it toughened him up a bit
Walt on the other hand saved his ass at least 5 times and split his money with Fring with him which he never had to do. Walt was Jesse's guardian angel.
Yeah I don’t understand what the other guy is talking about he actually believes that Walt didn’t care for Jesse at all so he must not of actually watched the show.
Walt saved Jesse's pathetic ass more than he should have. People on here like to make excuses and they are constantly trying to blame others for their lives not working out. Jesse's misery was brought on by himself, all he had to do was just get in the van.
None of that would have mattered if Jane hadn't been stoned!!! Jane was the one who broke the law, accidentally knocking someone on their back isn't, shooting heroin is. Anyone who blames Walt for her death is a crybaby who can't ever accept responsibility for their own actions, they always have to find someone else to blame because they have a victim mentality, that's what cowards do. Walt didn't do anything wrong, he had no moral or legal obligation to help her, if she had been a nicer person I'm sure he would have.