degree7's Replies

These are some of the dumbest complaints I’ve ever read. Ripley simply didn’t notice Ash had entered through the door behind her. You sound like a Hate filled, uneducated moron who’s never been near one. If you knew anything about the topic you claim to, you’d realize prisons are only good for teaching people how to be better criminals. Seriously, putting a bunch of them together in one confined space just means they learn more ways to commit crimes. Being a convict in America is seriously detrimental to living a normal life. The US also has the HIGHEST prison rate per capita out of any developed country, and a large number of them are disproportionately African-American due to institutional racism in the justice system and the phony “war on drugs.” It’s moronic right wingers like you who ensure the recidivism rate continues to be high by supporting the private, for-profit prison industrial complex with your tax dollars and voting record. Not to mention the violation of human rights that is the death penalty, of which the US is the only developed country that still hasn’t banned it. Dumb fucks like you are why this country is going down the drain. It’s a great movie that has been ruined by film school students and casuals looking for hipster cred. Basically it’s been so commercialized at this point it’s lost some of its importance. It was clearly explained in the movie that when Red committed his crime he was a dumb kid who made a terrible mistake, and being in prison he learned to mature and realize how he had wasted many years of his life. By that logic, you have no idea if your soup is bad after having one sip. After Hours Blade Runner 2049 Star Wars The Force Awakens You pretty much spouted a bunch of fake news. You’ve been flagged. Developing herd immunity does not mean overloading hospitals and ICUs with a second wave of the sick and dying, which will be worse than the last. There needs to be a strategy for reopening, not just a political knee jerk reaction. People are bored because they only know how to be mindless consumers. They can’t entertain themselves in any meaningful way. It’s really not as impressive as it’s made out to be. Scream did a better job of satirizing horror tropes in a more convincing postmodern fashion, while at the same time being actually scary and suspenseful. And that was almost 20 years before. It's good you can admit he isn't original. He was kept as a prisoner and tortured/brainwashed by the shady government agency. When he finally saw his father he probably didn’t even recognize him, he’d completely snapped and lost touch with reality in a murderous rage. His work insists upon itself. I disagree that it’s a fallacy to consider the OT the best of the trilogy. It’s fine to subjectively enjoy the prequels and Disney movies for what they are: disposable junk. But objectively, a true Star Wars fan would realize that the first two movies are the best of the bunch and everything else is passable. I mean, if I asked for a filet mignon and you served me a plate of dried dog poop does that make you a true chef? The analogy only goes so far. <blockquote> but I wouldn't necessarily say they're less of a Star Wars fan.</blockquote> I would. It’s like someone saying they’re a connoisseur because they eat McDonalds, and rank McDonalds on the same level as a Michelin restaurant. No, you’re just a phony. Generally, the only people I know who find Jar Jar funny are 5 year old children and my mother, and she barely knows anything about Star Wars. More like “Ruin Johnson” hehe They’re not true star wars fans. True Star Wars fans recognize that only the original trilogy is any good, and even then only the first two films approach greatness. Any other opinion is simply, well, incorrect. Michael Clayton was awesome doe Dan Akroyd too in Trading Places.