MovieChat Forums > degree7 > Replies
degree7's Replies
When We Was Fab
The person who wrote that is a libelous moron. He didn’t “beat his first wife and child relentlessly”. Lennon was an arsehole, but he admitted as much. The worst he did to his kids was give them a hiding or yell at them. He wasn’t a great father, but he certainly wasn’t the monster this Quora yokel makes him out to be. Notice he didn’t provide any evidence for his assertions.
The movie is an overpraised turd. Just a weaker version of The Road Warrior. Another lame attempt at a reboot of an established franchise. It also visually looked terrible.
The Master was a fine idea executed badly.
The Joker is just a cleverly marketed comic book origin story but in a fresh coat of paint.
Neither are particularly great.
A lot of that can be attributed to the success of Jaws too, which was the first real summer blockbuster.
Or All Quiet in the Western Front or It Happened One Night.
And except for being actually good
The movie was pretty good for Predator lore. The introduction of two separate Yautja races, as well as the Hellhounds, and their game preserve. However, the film was still a shoddy B-movie.
So you’re using a mediocre movie as a basis for his entire career? Nice one smooth brain.
So I take it you’re in the middle
It’s called fat paycheck
<blockquote> There was no overloading of hospitals on the first wave</blockquote>
Put down the crack pipe
<blockquote> And the herd immunity is the best way to keep down the number of cases and deaths.</blockquote>
And most scientists disagree with you. Or at least, you don’t understand how it works.
<blockquote> USA is never going to close down again.</blockquote>
The second wave is guaranteed to hit in the fall.
Hehe so triggered
Anyway doesn’t change the fact that you’re wrong
I got this film on a cheap, pirated dvd based on the cover and summary. What sounded like an intense space thriller was in reality a knock off with dated looking design and effects. For a movie that came out in 1979 it looked like was it was made 20 years earlier.
Yeah, she’s only famous because of her dad.
I agree. Gregory Peck made much better films than this in his career, like Roman Holiday. 12 o clock High is highly overrated. All the interesting stuff happens off screen.
Tbh it’s a fairly average movie. The Fincher fanboys will claim it as a masterpiece, but the movie has terrible acting and a plot that quickly loses momentum the further it goes along. It even has the audacity to include a montage sequence. All it does is smugly point the finger towards a man who was exonerated anyway. 6/10 at best. The movie’s only saving graces were Mark Ruffalo and Robert Downey Jr.
An actual good film about journalism would be All the President’s Men.
The cinematography of his films is usually a mix of piss yellow and puke green.
Yeah, discussions on film boards generally revolve around hypotheticals. Good job you complete ingrate. Did you even pass the third grade?
What good point do you think your comment makes?