MovieChat Forums > MrRipEager > Replies
MrRipEager's Replies
I used to like watching the Silence of the Lambs knowing that is was based on the real life serial killers stories of Ed Gein (The guy who inspired Psycho and ultimately the slasher film genre) and Ted Bundy. Since Like Buffalo Bill Gein used to wear a suit made out of women's skin. Also Buffalo Bill kidnapped his victims just how Ted Bundy used to, by pretending he had a broken arm and asking them to help him move furniture into his van. Also Lecter's involvement with the police was based around Ted Bundy offering his assistance to the FBI during the Green River Killer investigations.
I actually did my university dissertation on the film 10 years ago on what inspired the characters, So I agree with you, but I feel it's mainly believable because the true events that it is based on.
Its been a while since I've seen that film but Jack Nicholson was great in that film.
That's funny because I also thought of both of them when deciding my favourites, Although I didn't like the Djinn in the 3rd and 4th films when they recast the actor from Andrew Divoff to John Novak.
I am not sure who your message was aimed at, but since you referred to a film I mentioned, I'll throw in my 2 cents, I don't know If I have seen the original tbh. But it seems to be a common trend with films that get remade for the cinema audience from tv. I personally love the original IT mini series (Yes the one with the weird spider monster at the end) and can't stand the new feature films released at the cinema. I believe that it also has to do with the nostalgia we feel when we watch something that we enjoyed years earlier, but there are very few and far between remakes that surpass the originals. When will Hollywood learn that the films budget doesn't improve or add anything to the original story. If they spent half as much money on adapting original stories as they do rehashing them, then they will end up creating new successful franchises instead of just creating something that will blemish an existing one.
Another good made for TV Horror movie is Maximum Overdrive.
Wouldn't the circumstances of the overdose effect how you sympathise with the person. Since some people who overdose have had their drinks spiked with the drug against their will, would you not have sympathy for that person if they overdosed? the people who take drugs on purpose mainly do it for the same reason why people read a book or watch a movie, to escape from their reality for a few hours. I personally used to be addicted to a number of different drugs (for which it was my choice to take them since addiction isn't a disease). Also it's rather ignorant to assume that all drug addicts are to blame for their own troubles, since a lot of them turn to drugs and alcohol because they have a had bad things happen to them before they became addicted. I have known people who have turned to drugs because they have had a miscarriage from being in a violent relationship or have been addicted to pain killers after being in a car wreck which wasn't their fault.
There are loads of great made for TV Horror Movies out there, From the older classics from pre 1980's like Duel, Trilogy of Terror, Crawlspace up to the modern day syfy channel type movies (There are literally hundreds made. but only about a 50% are enjoyable) There is also an increasing number of good horror themed TV series. Some that I would suggest to a horror anthology fan are:
Tales From The Crypt
Tales From The Darkside
Fear Itself
Friday the 13th
Masters Of Horror
The Twilight Zone
Night Visions
Nightmares & Dreamscapes.