MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Whats your favourite Movie Monster?

Whats your favourite Movie Monster?

Movie Monsters have graced our screens now for over 100 years dating back to around 1915 with films like Paul Wegener's silent film The Golem. With so many great movie monsters out there, From Slasher film icons that we all grew up watching to giant monsters like Godzilla. I would like to know what are your favourite Movie Monsters with a brief explanation as to why you choose your specific monster. You can list as many as you'd like and can even categorise them into human monsters and other species if you'd prefer.

My favourite Slasher is probably Jason Voorhees - One reason why is because I find him interesting, since most people think that his mother controls him to do what he does. But it is in fact the opposite which I find to be true. Since during the first movie he is clearly shown as speaking through her telling her to kill for him. That and the infamous kill ma score which plays through every film. This would mean that unlike other slashers (not only does he have a higher kill ratio than anyone else) he appears to have more abilities than anyone else.

My favourite none Human Monster (although they can look human) is The Thing (as in John Carpenters 'The Thing' and not Ben Grimm). This is because the thought of a species replicating another person (or any living organism) whilst killing the original and taking over their life, used to really creep me out growing up. It also used to interest me that the thing didn't have any set form and could change its appearance at will, making it a monster with limitless possibilities.


Michael Myers


The Wolfman



Love it. Peter is so great in this one.


He was. So over the top wonderful.


This bit of dialogue from Wolf (1994) sums it up for me:

Dr. Vijay Alezias: The demon wolf is not evil, unless the man he has bitten is evil. Power without guilt. Love without doubt. And it feels good to be wolf, doesn't it?

Will Randall: Indeed it does.


Its been a while since I've seen that film but Jack Nicholson was great in that film.


I liked him in that also.


I always liked the Djinn in Wishmaster (1997)and the Graboids in Tremors (1990)


(I started making a list and quickly realized it was getting way out of hand, so I'm just going to comment on other peeps' good picks.)

The Wishmaster Djinn was one I was going to mention, so nice to see him here. Gotta love a monster that can will a guy to fuck himself in the ass to death. đź‘Ť


That's funny because I also thought of both of them when deciding my favourites, Although I didn't like the Djinn in the 3rd and 4th films when they recast the actor from Andrew Divoff to John Novak.


Agreed. Andrew Divoff had a certain charm about him.


Wishmaster 3 and onward: Not My Djinn.


Alien (1979)


Here's an amazing little featurette on Giger's process of designing and fabricating the original xenomorph costume:


The Monster from the Id - Forbidden Planet (1956)


That's a good one, but not really a monster, it was inside of us, part of us. But seems like we do not need the Krell to bring forth our monsters from the id to destroy ourselves.


Favorite human monster: Hannibal Lecter. He's a bloodthirsty psychopath and a genius. The Lecter movies make the character very believable.

Non human: The alien from alien. It's life cycle is disgusting and painful for its host. And the monster itself is convincingly otherworldly and terrifying.


I used to like watching the Silence of the Lambs knowing that is was based on the real life serial killers stories of Ed Gein (The guy who inspired Psycho and ultimately the slasher film genre) and Ted Bundy. Since Like Buffalo Bill Gein used to wear a suit made out of women's skin. Also Buffalo Bill kidnapped his victims just how Ted Bundy used to, by pretending he had a broken arm and asking them to help him move furniture into his van. Also Lecter's involvement with the police was based around Ted Bundy offering his assistance to the FBI during the Green River Killer investigations.
I actually did my university dissertation on the film 10 years ago on what inspired the characters, So I agree with you, but I feel it's mainly believable because the true events that it is based on.


Werewolf, hands down.


From any particular film or is that just in general. If so whats your favourite Werewolf film?


The Company of Wolves.
