MovieChat Forums > MrRipEager
MrRipEager (94)
What is one of your favourite underrated comedy films?
What is your favourite quote from a Horror movie or mini series?
Tell me a funny Joke!
What do you believe to be the worst film of all time? and Why?
If you could meet 1 Actor/Actress (living or dead) and ask them only 1 question, who would it be and what would you ask?
What TV Series or Film would you like to see a revival (or Remake) of?
What is your Favourite show which got cancelled on a Cliffhanger?
What Movie or TV Show do you turn to when you feel ill to make yourself feel better?
What Is Your Favourite Unknown Horror Movie?
Who do you think would win in a punch up between Clinton and Bush?
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For me it's Stallone for all three topics you've mentioned. Although if there was a 4th category for which would win in a pie eating contest I would have to vote for Seagal, I am not sure why though, he just seems like the type of person who would win since he is circumferentially challenged.
You can learn everything you need to know without doing a course, just read the right books.
You should just take solace in the fact that he probably has an std.
Literally about 95% of the movies Jackie Chan has starred in! (Great stunts also)
They needed to be the way they were, as it was merely a means to an end for them. Its not that I don't agree with you, as I firmly believe in the old saying that those who talk just repeat what they already know, whereas those who listen learn things they don't. The only problem is that you also have to listen to a lot of nonsense along the way.
Now that's ironic, since I was actually the quiet one that people needed to watch out for growing up, as I used to do some quite terrible things to some people, who viewed me as being harmless at the time.
Well they do say that it's always the quiet ones you've got to watch out for.
Try getting a new Job, 1 where you work in the afternoon so you can have a lie in.
Some people like to complain because they have nothing better to do, yet view themselves to be important enough to have an opinion about everything. I always say that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, but they never like to face the realisation, which is that they are all full of shit.
The 2nd season was OK, I much more preferred the 1st season though, I just felt that the detective characters had a better chemistry in the first one, and Rust Cohle's character just seemed to have a philosophy and world view that you don't tend to see in many other series.
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