CreosoteXmp37's Replies

I see. Thanks for the reply. I do, on my PC. WW2 combat flight sims. - Repo Man ( 1984 ) - Saw it when it first came out. Liked it and was not surprised it became a cult classic. - Clerks ( 1994 ) - Loved loved loved the snappy dialog. - Sideways ( 2004 ) - Like others have noted, a surprise favorite. I really got pulled into the story even though I'm not into wine or golf and even though the characters were kind of pathetic. - Rear Window ( 1954 ) - Was expecting it to be dry and kind of boring, but was pulled in by the great details, situations, great acting and dialog. The suspense was just the icing on the cake. - Cedar Rapids ( 2011 ) - When I saw that Ed Helms was the lead I thought it was going to be a cheesy goofy farce. Turned out this was a great dramedy with cool lines and great acting from the various characters. For us the first day of school was the first Wednesday after labor day. But yeah, labor day, like Sundays, or the latter part of Sunday, always brought on a bummed-out melancholic feeling. At least for us, the fact that the first week of school was only 3 days kind of softened the blow a bit. Bingo. The possibilities are limitless: What's the infatuation with sports/food/fishing/hiking/gardening/photography/computer games/movies........? Not a bad list at all. Iron Maiden is one of those bands that seemed to maintain their signature sound that made them so famous without going stale. Other than their sort of dormant period of the 90s, to this day they never "sold out" and watered down their sound to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Green Day - Nimrod ( 1997 ) Metallica - Ride the Lightning ( 1984 ) Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind ( 1983 ) Aerosmith - Get Your Wings ( 1974 ) I'm not really into the other bands in the list. Reading through the replies, interesting answers so far. I'll add that the clothing, the hair styles, even eyeglasses added their influence that tended to make people more staid looking back then. When I looked through my parent's high school yearbooks from the 1950s, I wondered how my generation was ever born: So many of the girls looked so plain and frumpy and destined for spinsterhood, and so many guys looked like corporate dorks in training. I remember a similar observation from a Seinfeld episode, when asked how so many unattractive people were able to copulate, Jerry's answer was "Alcohol". I note that same type of discrepancy in 'Idiocracy'. Agricultural system and production collapsed, yet all manner of junk food and fast food restaurants abound. Cigars smoked by "doctors". Apparent depression/deep recession, yet consumer goods ( and their outlets ) are everywhere. Same for "services". Still a good movie ( documentary? ) though. Somewhat related, used to see this a lot Setting: someone's home, time period: when land-line phones were all there were, so pre-1990s, especially the older rotary dial type phones with the jarring clang Hollywood Foley artists love to use so much. Phone begins to ring. One ring....two...three...four. Only then does the resident seem to even acknowledge the phone is ringing, very calmly finishes the activity he or she was engaging in. The phone is ringing all the while. Said resident calmly and slowly makes his/her way to the phone, and answers....after about the 25th ring. Yeah right! The unwritten rule is 6 to 8 rings. Nobody answers? Throw in the towel and give it another shot later. I remember all those you mentioned as as well! Another Japanese animation was 'Marine Boy', again, never knowing it was Japanese until much later in life. 'Speed Racer'. Animated show in the late 1960s. Me and my friends all loved that show. I didn't know until a few years ago it was Japanese. 'Land of the Giants' 'The Thunderbirds'. Animated/puppet-ish show of the 60s. Loved the cool aircraft/spacecraft. In the early 70s: 'Hot Wheels'. Saturday morning cartoon about car racing. 'Banana Splits' - Overuse of "jump scares" in horror movies to string the viewers along. - In bars or restaurants, patron eats/drinks very little, if at all, then just reaches in pocket, and plops down an undetermined amount of cash on the table/counter without even looking at the amount. Nobody ever asks for change or to break a large bill so they can tip the staff. Nobody ever uses a credit card to pay. - Nobody ever says "goodbye" when ending a phone call. - In sitcoms taking place in someone's home, after opening the front door to let people in ( or they burst in ), dialog/antics/action ensue and nobody ever closes the front door. - When depicting a chasing vehicle ( car/truck/train/plane ) bearing down on a hapless character who is obviously going to be outrun, given the speed differences and rate of closure, multiple switching back-and-forth camera shots are shown of the speeding vehicle and terrified chase-ee. A closure time of 10 seconds is milked out to a minute and a half. Of course said chase-ee rarely, if ever attempts to divert their path, but just futilely run in a conveniently straight path in a wide open area. Many others listed so far, I'll add Malenkaya Vera, 1988. ( Little Vera ) Ramones Misfits Riot Megadeth Metallica ( pre-1991 ) Iron Maiden Black Sabbath KISS ( pre-1978 ) Led Zeppelin Judas Priest "<i>Is it even rock if it's soft?</i>" My exact feeling as well. Any band that was soft rock / "yacht rock" that was/is popular from the 1970s on. The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac typifying the sound. I'll concede though that many people really do like vanilla sandwiches on white bread, washed down by watery "light" beer. Hate the rap/rock bands like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Korn, Limp Bizkit and the like. Italian - 50% from one parent Russian - 25%, Swedish - 25% from the other parent JD, ( in response to Veronica's remark "No my life's not perfect...I don't really like my friends" says: ( Pause ) "I don't really like your friends either". The intonation, the cadence, the slight breathy-ness, the overall "delivery" of it is perfect. "<i>No disrespect intended towards the athletes, who train for years to compete in this event. I just never could get excited about the Olympics.</i>" My sentiments exactly. I'm just not into watching sports and the whole competitive aspect means nothing to me, though I catch static from some because I'm supposed to somehow be interested as a way of demonstrating patriotism for my country. Like you, I've seen some but not by choice, but as a captive audience. I can't stand all the hype and drama.