Jsully9's Replies

Fuck George Floyd, the world's a better place w/o this piece of shit..Thanks Ofc. Chauvin. Think of all the people you've saved that Floyd would've victimized. This woman will always be a woman. Super gluing a fake cock to yourself, in no way makes you a man. She's a nut job, too bad her mom didn't get an abortion. Another day to say Fuck you to Dickhead Joe, and his fag and tranny loving liberals. They would just fuck up a sequel, they always do. It'll be filled w Asian fahs, black queers and trannys who are all married to Mexican dwarfs. He was at Del Taco, he loves $.49 Red Burritos, what a stupid comment. He did such a great job in this, I didn't recognize him, I went to IMBD 1/2 way through to find out he was Skip. He got food poisoning, had to burn a week of sick leave and was on the turlet the whole time. How about she and the left learn to keep their legs closed, wouldn't that be a hoot? Will someone tell this dumb bitch she can still get an abortion in California. The FBI is a fucking joke, theyre not real cops. They don't chase dickheads all fucked up on PCP, down an alley, then box them in the middle of the street. They don't sit w a mother who's child was just ran over by some asshole fleeing from Walmart in a stolen car, while the dead kid lays in the street waiting for detectives, crime scene and the coroner. Real Cops do. My favorite is when he pulls up in front of Ray's house, pitches his cigarette and fires into the house. He has that I don't give a fuck look. Liberal democrats are the worst, the most fucking stupid criminals on earth. It's too bad there's not more states who use electric chairs. It's too bad this motherfucker doesn't have AIDS! She wants to look like a fruit picker, and she's still a fucking Pig! Another day to say fuck this piece of shit, his PIG wife, his dope addict son and mental health nightmare daughter. Anything tweeted by a democrat...Fuck Em. Good for him, hes right, ITS not a man, IT doesn't have a penis and never will. Ellen Page is a mental health mess, and shouldn't be given a minute of ink. This wasn't the army, It was the USMC, call any marine a soldier , then ask for help picking up your teeth. Is this piece of shit still on? I'm sure she's bored Bill Clinton can't utilize her services any more..So she doesn't need talent anymore. Having Russell play Brooks is something Hollywood got right. Sorry it wasn't a black lesbian, or some AIDS infested Fag playing Herb.