MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Favorite movie starring Elliot

Favorite movie starring Elliot

Still juno . Lovely movie, and even better soundtrack!


Elliot, none. My favourite movies starring Ellen are X-Men: Days of Future Past, Inception, and Hard Candy.


Yes, Ellen was excellent in Hard Candy!


Agreed... Juno is her best movie. But that could all change now that she's a man.


Hard Candy


I actually didn't care for Hard Candy. Thought it was just okay. Seemed kind of one dimensional to me, and the story never gained any ground. It remained too focused on the paranoia and sensationalism surrounding sex crimes just for the sake of creating atmosphere.

Not a bad acting job by Ellen though, she was rather convincing in HC. I will refer to her using her old name when speaking of the films she did...

Juno seemed a little more complex and had some interesting story-lines mixed in with the main plot and it had some very good dialogue in it even if Juno does sound a little too old for her age.


This woman will always be a woman. Super gluing a fake cock to yourself, in no way makes you a man. She's a nut job, too bad her mom didn't get an abortion.


"too bad her mom didn't get an abortion."

That's a little harsh. But I agree she is a nut job.


I liked Elliot in Super. Weird to know he was acting as a girl at the time.
