MovieChat Forums > MovieChatUser497 > Posts
MovieChatUser497's Posts
So Michael Corleone
The reshoots
My thoughts on the directors cut
Why kill Takagi?
How did this not win Best Picture?
Do you think this at least had some influence on Home Alone?
If Endo had been able to have his way with Hank
Why kill Dixie?
Damn, had it not been for Brendan Fraser
Short Round has now won an Oscar
Far Left Terrorists Torch Cop Training Center In Atlanta
Sooooo if there’s a fire in the Sulaco
Tim "Ripper" Owens vs. Blaze Bayley
Anyone a fan of the Ripper Owens Era?
My personal opinion
The scene right before the final fight started
Audiences must have been confused in 1984.
Updated: My Top 50 films of all time:
Clark and Ellen having sex at Kamp Komfort
When is it going to stop?