MovieChat Forums > Redsfan001 > Replies
Redsfan001's Replies
George Forman's was at his prime 6'4"and 240 lbs.
Ali 6'3" and 230 lbs.
Bruce Lee 5'8"and 128 lbs.
Punching power is a combination of mass behind the punch(most important), speed in which it it thrown, and skill in which the punch is delivered.
Now we can both agree that Bruce Lee was faster than Forman. But to throw a punch to make up for the 120 pounds in mass that he is giving up, Lee's punch would have to be 4 X's as fast.
Poor choice of words, Hollywood hyped.
Dude, you obviously don't watch boxing. Just look at the KO rates among heavyweights vs lightweights. If you are trying to convince people that George Forman's punch is the same as Bruce Lee's...(Lee is a Hollywood constuct that appeals to short men) Forman never entered the ring with a lightweight because boxing officials KNOW that size matters and death is a real possibility.
If you youtube some of his interviews, he comesacross as somewhat over confident for a short guy.
While obviously a skilled karate expert. You can't teach physcis. A punch from a 120 pound guy is much different than a punch from a 250 pounder... That is why they have weight classes in boxing.
No, I think it was a flashback, Kurt Russell character was telling Dillon that Cliff brought a 'bad element' to the set.
Just like Cliff and his wife on the boat.
Well, at what point does the badass female become cliche'?
It seems that every movie out there has some model thin women that hits like a line backer. The days of prince charming rescuing a damesel in distress are long gone.
It is not that people hate these types of characters, but because mostly of the metoo movement it seems that men, white men especially, are the new punching bag in Hollywood.
Good point. We are heading fast to these moral/ philosophical questions with the breakneck development of AI by the superpowers.
If AI develops beond expectations, as strange as it sounds today... 'robots' rights groups might form with the help of humans... And could go through the same trials as did the slaves in the USA.
What if the character Data from 'Star Trek' was only about 20 years away?
It is fun thinking about the infinite possiblities of time travel. To me I believe in 1 true timeline, creating multiple timeline-universe seems like that would require a great deal of energy, although I don't think Marvel could live without them.
But we are vering way off the OP's original question which I have a very simple answer...Was the T1000 successful in his mission? No, so why warn her?
Upon watching Jimi Hendrix 's performance at Woodstock on youtube,a viewer noticed the paltry attendence, maybe only 200-300 people left, since that was the final act. The viewer than made the statement that time travel was not possible, because if it were,there would be over 1 million time travelers watching it.
If you belive the story ACTULLY happened. Rember the small line by the Recall assistant "This is a new one 'Blue skies on Mars' ".
That one line (probably the most important and most missed line in movie history) changes the whole complextion of the believablity of events.
Sorrymissed your if it was real
My point is that nobody truley knows the answer about time travel and its implications, so why bother spending mental energy thinking about it. I believe that traveling back to the past is impossible, like there is a cosmic recorder somewhere taking down everything.
You can really overthink these timeline paradoxs, since nobody really knows the answer... It is best to just go with the flow.
How would the press handle it if he did see it? Portray him as a uncaring robot or applaud him for having the emotional fortitude and stoic bearing of an Apache warrior to see it?
Artist like to see other masters works. Martin Scorscese really enjoys looking at other directors works, picking up styles etc..l would be curious if Polanski did the same, or if the subject matter is too painfull, even after all these years past.
Something that all of Hollywood and the world would like to see.
Tuco's character was not the kind of guy to take the breakup of the partnership lightly, in good cheer. I would say that there was a better than fair chance that he would shoot Blondie in the back arguing that he deserved more money.
Blondie, being the smartest of the three, took precautions. If he were bad he would have just killed him in the desert, instead he gave Tuco a chance.
He is the only character of the three that shows any empathy for other people..I don't know if that makes him 'good', but who of us truly are?
Some strategic minds in the US military think that the Ruskies already have buried nukes hidden in America. I wonder if it is true.
If memory serves, he did not really overpower the officers. Lector hancuffed the larger one to the cage, quickly used mace on the other. I found the brief 'fight' plausible. Lector then created a scene of horror to highten the emotion, so the officers would not look to close at his 'mask'.
Look, this is just a movie. I guess the writers could have had a guard drop a key, but that would not have been as good.
Didn't, they kill German soilder in Occupied France before the ending?