MovieChat Forums > Qberto > Replies

Qberto's Replies

[quote]Democratic Socialism =/= Communism[/quote] Of course's a transitional program you must know. [quote]Okay so let me ask it more directly since you're doing your usual tap-dance routine. Is "the GOP voter-preferred economic nationalist agenda of less immigration" also in favor of reducing legal immigration? I'm trying to figure out what you're saying but I constantly wonder if you even understand what you post.[/quote] I say what I please, but the quotation was not written by me you must realize, yes? The full context quotation remains: [quote] In a memo to its staff, the Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity (AFP) organization announced that the economic libertarian group is set to back any elected official in Washington, DC, — including Democrats — who support their agenda of amnesty for illegal aliens and endless free trade, and oppose the GOP voter-preferred economic nationalist agenda of less immigration and tariffs to protect American jobs.[/quote] You may wish to take up any perceived ambiguities you found with the author of said verbiage. I am personally in favor of: ~ Skilled immigrants. ~ Educated immigrants. ~ Economically viable net worth immigrants. etc. NOT the bum's rush of central American cockroaches George Soros has sent us. Capisce? How long have you been taking electroshock therapy? Outdoor event - sure will. Now explain his massive rally crowds - everywhere he goes, LOL! [quote]QAnon posters - it explains it all.[/quote] Admit it, you're just aching to know how to work the Q clock. [quote] 40 years in the Senate. Zero accomplishments. Stand up for Joe![/quote] Plus he's mastered the flip flop (Hyde Amendment) thus insuring that as flags go his will never fight the fetid gusts of Demotarded fascism. [url][/url] For more than 40 years, Biden supported the Hyde Amendment, which bars federal funding for abortions. In 1994, when a constituent wrote to Biden, urging him, “Please don’t force me to pay for abortions against my conscience,” Biden replied, “I agree with you.” He pointed out that he had voted no fewer than 50 times against federal funding of abortions, promising, “Those of us who are opposed to abortion should not be compelled to pay for them.” In his 2007 book “Promises to Keep,” Biden wrote, “I’ve stuck to my middle-of-the-road position on abortion for more than 30 years.” But middle-of-the-road is no longer good enough in today’s Democratic Party. So when Biden recently reaffirmed his support for the Hyde Amendment, his opponents for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination pounced. “There is #NoMiddleGround on women’s rights,” Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., tweeted. “Abortion is a constitutional right.” Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., chastised Biden, declaring “No woman’s access to reproductive health care should be based on how much money she has. We must repeal the Hyde Amendment.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and a number of other Democrats also piled on, as did Planned Parenthood, NARAL and Emily’s List. [quote]Notice in the past few weeks new "Qs" are joining this board? There's QOK and Qberto? [/quote] Oh no, it's a capital letter rush! Run..hide...flee...foolish mortals... [quote]My PREDICTION is LIZ WARREN will be the one to COME OUT ON TOP after the PRIMARY ELECTION is held.[/quote] Oddly mine too, albeit I have a great lust for seeing Fauxcahontas de-feathered again by the Donald! LOL! [quote]Bwahahahahahahaha! Yeah, and he had the 'best attended inauguration in history!' [/quote] Weather that day was? [url][/url] Next! [url][/url] Local news source The Monroe News noted that the Van Andel Arena stands appeared to be completely full. A quick Google search for the maximum capacity of Van Andel Arena shows that it’s 10,834. However, Van Andel Arena’s website states that the capacity is 12,000-plus. Wikipedia lists the arena as having 12,858 seats for end-stage shows and 13,184 seats for center-stage shows. The seating varies depending on the event’s setup. So although it’s unlikely they had 14,000 people indoors (as the max capacity doesn’t quite reach this size), it’s possible they a little more than 13,100 people inside depending on the setup. Here’s a video of the arena, which shows a packed arena: The Trump Rally Tonightbin Michigan looks (and sounds) like the Super Bowl. After being absolved of two years of baseless slander – it might as well be. What a vindication moment 🇺🇸 [quote]My apologies - I should have clarified, "It's pretty obvious to anyone who's IQ is larger than their shoe size..."[/quote] I'm so pleased you found a double digit baseline to plumb the 'depths' of your intellect with. [quote]He scared the Hell out of you. He still does.[/quote] Of course - any time we elect a foreign asset Trojan Horse to our highest office we ALL must be scared - or at least livid that such a travesty could ever happen here. [quote]If you wish to keep a sexual predator on the SCOTUS who does absolutely nothing, have at it. [/quote] Care to prove any of the Justices does "absolutely nothing"? Have at. Lightweight. [quote] you have stated an agenda of reducing immigration.[/quote] Not yet...but I now will! Yes, immigration of the illegal kind MUST be reduced - IMMEDIATELY! Your problem with that is? [quote]Yep, authentic "normal" people's minds are filled with all of those... Oh, and hating EVERYTHING that Obama did or tried to do, too. Don't forget that.[/quote] Everything except maybe the new national parks/monuments - Ft. Ord was a wunnerful renovation... "We're truly overjoyed," said Michael Houlemard, executive officer of the Fort Ord Reuse Authority. "Yesterday we were Fort Ord Public Lands. Today we're Fort Ord National Monument." [url] [/url] Thanks Obama! [quote]"Deep state trash"[/quote] can mouth along even if you can't fathom the meaning yet... [quote]Retail companies selling goods manufactured in foreign countries?[/quote] Are we suddenly for a ban on all capital goods imported to the US economy now? Huh... When'd that happen? [quote]It's pretty obvious if the press didn't get involved (and there's a reason the owner complained about this to the press), the owners still wouldn't be paid.[/quote] That's neither "obvious" nor even "provable". It's just your filthy Trump Derangement Syndrome oozing out again. [quote]It turns out that NADLER didn't really GET ANYTHING NEW from BARR afterall ... [/quote] Good! Because that reaffirms that there was nothing "new" to be had - the full report was released, cope. [quote]Ten brand new investigations, huh? By a 'government watchdog?' Tasked to oversee the FBI? Do tell us more! It all sounds so positively UNBELIEVABLE![/quote] Denial is a river of your own tears. [url][/url] The government watchdog tasked with oversight of the FBI has initiated 10 new investigations of the bureau since last year, according to a review of archived versions of the page tracking the agency’s ongoing work. The Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is best known for its ongoing investigation of the FBI’s use of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Trump-campaign associate Carter Page. The inspector general has nearly completed that investigation and is expected to release a report in the coming weeks.