Irish pub finally gets paid after T-rump's spawn walk out without paying their tab
After calling "Drinks on us!" in a crowded Irish pub in Doonbeg, Ireland, Donnie Diapers and Eric 'Short Bus' later told owner that they 'don't carry cash' with them and walked out of the bar on Wednesday night without paying the tab. After the Irish press got wind of it - and it spread around the globe - the bar was finally paid three days after.
“I don’t think they carry cash. We were told it’d be all sorted later so there’s no problem," owner Caroline Kennedy told the Irish Post newspaper.
Kennedy said their hefty bar tab was paid on Saturday, three days after the T-rumptots entered her Igoe Inn Bar & Restaurant as part of their 'pub crawl' and bought drinks for everyone, after trashing their hometown of New York City. Turns out T-rump's nearby failing golf resort ended up paying for the tab.
“That [getting paid by the sons] didn’t happen right away,” she said. “So I sent a bill to the Trump golf course.”
The T-rumptots seem to take after their father, who is known to promise everyone his company owes money to the “we’re good for it” line. Over the years he has stiffed thousands of hard working people - from contractors to minimum wage workers at his casinos and hotels.
No dignity - just disgrace.