In a memo to its staff, the Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity (AFP) organization announced that the economic libertarian group is set to back any elected official in Washington, DC, — including Democrats — who support their agenda of amnesty for illegal aliens and endless free trade, and oppose the GOP voter-preferred economic nationalist agenda of less immigration and tariffs to protect American jobs.
The greatest traitor is a huge copper statue (from FRANCE no less) in the waters near New York that literally invites poor immigrants to come here.
I suggest staging a protest around this archaic statue, perhaps your group could pull it down like that cheaply made Civil War statue that got torn down last year or in 2017.
Okay so let me ask it more directly since you're doing your usual tap-dance routine.
Is "the GOP voter-preferred economic nationalist agenda of less immigration" also in favor of reducing legal immigration?
I'm trying to figure out what you're saying but I constantly wonder if you even understand what you post.[/quote]
I say what I please, but the quotation was not written by me you must realize, yes?
The full context quotation remains:
[quote] In a memo to its staff, the Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity (AFP) organization announced that the economic libertarian group is set to back any elected official in Washington, DC, — including Democrats — who support their agenda of amnesty for illegal aliens and endless free trade, and oppose the GOP voter-preferred economic nationalist agenda of less immigration and tariffs to protect American jobs.
You may wish to take up any perceived ambiguities you found with the author of said verbiage.
I am personally in favor of:
~ Skilled immigrants.
~ Educated immigrants.
~ Economically viable net worth immigrants.
NOT the bum's rush of central American cockroaches George Soros has sent us.
Not that human decency means anything to to Wrongtards.
You want to bolster your argument by calling people 'tards?
Keep it up. Eventually those of us who are articulate and have college educations will win this war over hateful others like you. You're the freeking alien who doesn't understand what the USA is supposed to be about.
The Statue of Liberty was commissioned by a French abolitionist after his hero President Lincoln was assassinated. The statue had three purposes: celebrate the ending of American slavery; celebrate American democracy (Revolution); and send a strong message to the French people in regards to liberty and democracy. They were having issues with Napoleon III at that time.
The French were supposed to pay for the statue and the Americans were supposed to pay for the pedestal. The U.S. government balked so a fund-raising drive was created. The immigration poem was actually a part of that fund-raising drive.
You sound like an elitist snob. Why did your ancestors come to the U.S. and were they poor?
Eww, Breitbart. I feel icky just reading the link address.
It’s kinda funny, when the Kochs subverted the voter preferred agenda, the right couldn’t get enough Koch dollar bills. Now that they are “thinking” of backing some democrats it’s all of a sudden treason. You really can’t make it this stuff up.
What many of the Democrats don’t want you to know is that this is typical behavior for big corporations. They love to demonize the Kochs, but then praise businesses for pursuing what’s best for their companies. The hypocrites love to have a target for their bashing. Too bad this one just fell through.
What is? Talking to the media about things they have no intention of doing? Im well aware, you dont seem to be.
Another thing you dont seem to be aware of is that a politician, red or blue, is 9 times out of 10, a cunt. So Im sure what you think youre showing me here, other than you believe that fairy tale that red vs blue is a real thing and they arent all in it together getting rich.
Im gonna go out on a limb and say, I dont think you could be right even if it was by mistake. I have the sneaking suspicion that you might not actually know what youre talking about, and are in fact just gleaming the content of your posts from other places. I mean "deep state"? You dont need a tin foil hat and life time sub to pornhub to know see that most politicians are only out for number one. The very best you can hope for in most cases is that they are only out for the party, but even then its only by necessity.
Its the people like you, pointing fingers and negatively labelling anything you dont agree with that keeps the system in play. Do you even know what you stand for, or is it all just written down for in a manifesto that you think youre supposed to believe because its what youre told? Why is it that theres never any "Oh, I see your point." in places like this? Why is it always "fake news"? Are you really that needy that you cant for one second question what your told to think. Or is it just some weird coincidence that the majority of the left and right have very distinct and uniform battle lines?
You talk about socialism like its a gateway to communism, fascism and whatever else, I assume based on the past antics of evil men who abused a system. And you never try to see that point. You never look at the big picture. Just the narrow little lines that fit the narrative and to hell with everything else. At what point to you and the rest stop calling frog names and take what he says at face value and stop injecting what you "think" he means?
You talk about socialism like its a gateway to communism, fascism and whatever else, I assume based on the past antics of evil men who abused a system. And you never try to see that point. You never look at the big picture. Just the narrow little lines that fit the narrative and to hell with everything else.
1.) Yes, socialism is a gateway to communism.
2.) Yes socialists are fascists because they venerate the state over the individual.
3.) Yes all past and present instances of communism are failures.
4.) In this instance history is a great textbook.
5.) I see all "points" which is why my denouements are concise and accurate.
6.) The big picture consists of:
@ open borders
@ inscreasing job automation
@ a welfare state for most of central america and mexico
@ the American people left holding the bag - an empty bag looted by the Fed and Euro banksters.
And frankly to Hades with you if you're into socialism and it's tap roots of individual ruination and veneration of the weed of state.
China is an hybrid abomination, a place where you can be quasi-capitalistic and yet just as easily end up in a labor camp or having your organs live harvested for penance and of course death.
I rather think it'd be a fantastic venue for your lunacy, the hive mind knows how to handle infidels and the unruly.
a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.
Chiefly Biblical. a goat let loose in the wilderness on Yom Kippur after the high priest symbolically laid the sins of the people on its head. Lev. 16:8,10,26.
verb (used with object)
to make a scapegoat of:
Strike leaders tried to scapegoat foreign competitors.
I believe this, the ACTUAL point which you did not quote, went way above your brain's pay grade:
"Your statement is the same as claiming that Capitalism is the beginning of Communism."
Actually let me put this in terms you can actually understand.
DUDE when you slam Bernie for spending money you're pretending he's a Commie because you think that he's a pure Socialist and in your view Socialism=Communism simply because of how it's been used and you're a McCarthyist witch-hunter type.
That's why you get wrapped up in bullshit Youtube conspiracy theories. You don't think for yourself in any way whatsoever then you come here and regurgitate a bunch of bull you don't understand.
Every crappy dirty trick in the last half century has been pulled by the repub party. Joe McCarthy, Dick Nixon, W and his WMDs, two elections being decided by a minority (W and Trumpf), and now djt saying foreign interference in our elections is "oppo" research. What an effing traitorous retard !!
I picture thrillhouse being a sort of big shot at a trailer park for having a GED and a few community college credits in trade courses. Q is probably some sad latch key kid whose mom leaves at home on the computer all the time.
Yeah, in my experience Thrillhouse's calling card would be hit and runs. He'd post one off replies that he knew he was too stupid to defend and just disappear when called out. Though I did see that flame war you got into with him on Cosby where he did argue and keep the thread going for awhile, probably because misogyny is instinctual to him and doesn't require any brain power for him to defend.
This Qberto guy is just relentless with his stupidity and fake news.
Bernie Sanders had not used campaign funds to buy an Audi R8.
Bernie Sanders did buy an Audi R8 with other funds.
Why is it so inconceivable that Bernie Sanders would drive a $140,000 sports car? After all, Bernie the Socialist is a millionaire and owns three homes:
A one-bedroom, 1½ bathrooms single-family home in Washington, DC, estimated by Zillow at $644,463.
A 4-beds, 2-baths home in Burlington, VT, estimated by Zillow at $415,489.
A $600,000 lakefront summer home in North Hero, Vermont, which Bernie purchased five days after the 2016 Democratic National Convention in which he sold out his supporters by enthusiastically endorsing Hillary Clinton.
A millionaire socialist who owns 3 homes and drives a $140,000 sports car. Only in America!
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If you actually bothered to read your own article the 'proof' it offers is the opinion of the author. You're clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Learn to read. I said he doesn't own a R8 because he doesn't. You're peddling fake news.
It's hilarious how you just learned about the homes when that was already widely publicized in 2016 and is old news. I also take it you don't know much about property ownership because you don't own property, but holding the titles to 3 homes is no big deal. Why? Because he doesn't own them outright, he took out loans to purchase them. If he doesn't make the payments they get repo'd by the bank.
The Jalopnik mainframe (located in a bunker underneath Delta Burke’s Athens, GA-area training dojo) determined that the driver is Bernie Sanders, but noted that the refractive index on the windows and body did not match expected parameters for an Audi R8 in the apparent lighting.
Jalopnik’s investigative team launched a fleet of reconnaissance drones, and within hours we had our answer, thanks to a photo beamed back to us from one of the drones:
Now this all makes sense. Bernie really just wanted to look cool, so he spent $38.46 of campaign funds at a Kinko’s (or whatever they’re called now) and had a pair of R8 panels printed on foamcore, which he tied to his 1981 Dodge Colt with twine.
Campaign staffers claim he found the twine in a wastebasket at a campaign stop in Lansing, MI.
We contacted the Sanders campaign, and a representative personally assured us that he will have Sanders reimburse the campaign for the costs, and while we were on the phone, she told us that she had already taken two $20 bills out of Bernie’s wallet, which we confirmed by letting us hear the sound of the Velcro open and close.
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I hold titles to more than 3 homes. It's called wealth building and the American dream. Even the president understands this truth. You should try it. But first you'd need to get a job.
1. Like I said, 3 titles is nothing. He's got his primary home and a summer home he purchased for only 600k which is dirt cheap compared to where I'm from. He's also got his home in Maine inherited from his parents that has been owned by his family since 1900. It's possible he rents it out, I would if I were him and not using it. But Bernie isn't a socialist. He's a Democratic Socialist. They're not synonymous so get your terms right. He's not anti-capitalism.
2. What pisses people off is the wealthy getting all the tax breaks and not paying their fair share.
3. Sounds like you're not cut out for wealth building.
4. Not if you outsource management like I do. Property and depreciation write-offs are a fantastic way to SAVE money on taxes, which is why they make such great investment vehicles. It's also key to have another source of income, which is why I said you'd need to get a job. Without one I can see why you'd think it's a lot to maintain and pay taxes on.
Like I said, 3 titles is nothing. He's got his primary home and a summer home he purchased for only 600k which is dirt cheap compared to where I'm from.
Grovel deeply beneath the hubric luster of your clay-footed socialist "idle"...
The Koch bros. are evil, greedy, power hungry pigs, but Breitbart twisted the memo. Did you even read it? And that cheesy superimposed pic of Pelosi pasted between the two Koch Heads?
"Previously, the Kochs and their network have opposed any reductions to legal immigration to raise American workers’ wages, reforms to save U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars by ending welfare-dependent legal immigration, and an end to the country’s birthright citizenship policy that rewards illegal aliens’ U.S.-born children with American citizenship."
"AFP or AFP Action will be ready to engage contested U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and state-level primary races, including Republican, Democrat, Independent or otherwise, to support sitting legislators who lead by uniting with others to pass principled policy and get good things done."
Open borders and slave labor are not "good things"...
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Can't see any Dem accepting Koch money as it would be the kiss of death for their political careers.
Oh dear oh dear, you don't do much fact-checking now do you?
Though the Kochs have poured untold millions into conservative and libertarian causes over the years, the political action committee for their privately held Koch Industries also has given money through the years to Democratic causes and candidates — including Mark Pryor, Mary Landrieu and Chuck Schumer — as part of the influence-peddling game that many corporations and wealthy donors play.
Those donations from Koch Industries Inc. Political Action Committee, or KochPAC, include nearly $200,000 to Democratic candidates and committees as recently as 2010 — including a $30,000 donation to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
lulz. You're citing a Politico article from 2014 AFTER Schumer and the Dem establishment branded the Koch brothers as "public enemy #1". The Politico article even notes the most recently they donated to any Dem was in 2010, almost a decade ago and BEFORE the Kochs were publicly vilified by the Dems. Notice how Pryor and Landreau aren't even Senators anymore.
I was commenting on Kochs funding a Dem NOW if they pledged "amnesty for illegals" you were advertising. I know you're a little slow on the uptake, but try to get up to speed before posting so as to not embarrass yourself. I didn't bother with your citation of Glenn Beck's fake news site.
The four Democratic Koch candidates are: Collin Peterson (MN, $13,000), Henry Cuellar (TX, $2,500), Jim Costa (CA, $1,000), and Kurt Schrader (OR, $2,500). Each received Koch cash in 2016 as well.
The KochPAC support for these Democrats comes despite their opposition to the Kochs’ favorite legislation last year, the Jobs and Tax Act of 2017. The Kochs stand to gain as much as $1.4 billion from the tax cut, so why do they fund a handful of Democrats in the U.S. House who opposed the bill, when they also fund 170 GOP members who all voted for the tax cut?
These are special Democrats for the Kochs.
Collin Peterson is one of the better-known climate deniers outside oil and gas producing states, unique among Democrats. In blocking climate legislation in his committee, he said, “They’re saying to us [that climate change is] going to be a big problem because it’s going to be warmer than it usually is; my farmers are going to say that’s a good thing since they’ll be able to grow more corn.”
Peterson’s unusual position may have something to do with the fact that his state, Minnesota, is home to one of Koch’s largest refineries and a crude oil pipeline network.
Jim Costa, while not an outright denialist like Peterson, nevertheless voted against allowing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act.
Those are DINOs. Collin Peterson is pro-life and voted NO on Obamacare in 2010 too, she's a Dem in name only so taking 13k from the Kochs doesn't surprise me.
But by the same token, those DINOs in heavily pro-Trump districts aren't going to be pledging amnesty for illegals. Like I said, can't see any Dem making that pledge. They'd risk losing the next election from the Koch association or from the amnesty pledge, so my point stands.