MovieChat Forums > bexlyspeed

bexlyspeed (84)


is this a thing nowadays??? Possible minor spoilers The peacock documentary Chapter 6: Dune meets the good, the bad and (the extremely) ugly Season 3 Cyborg scooter gang Loved/disliked -spoilers Who else can they add in the next one? A few nods to the night strangler? Reboot? Gimme a break! No mention of Sgt Pepper?!? View all posts >


Baldwin is a dick but he didn’t want to kill the woman. Pistorius murdered his girlfriend i thought IT follows too. i enjoyed it. i mean Pinhead in this film is not really accurate to the "source"" material. “Its voice, unlike that of its companion, was light and breathy-the voice of an excited girl. Every inch of its head had been tattooed with an intricate grid, and at every intersection of horizontal and vertical axes a jeweled pin driven through to the bone. Its tongue was similarly decorated.” and frank was unable to tell the gender of the creature because it was so badly mutilated and it clothes were sewn through its skin. and he still doesn't kill him. so dumb Prediction. Reva will kill Vader, replace him in the suit and it is really her in the original trilogy! what about anakin being unmasked at the end of ROJ? shut up RACIST!!! he's working in reverse chronological order i love all these guys taking a knee, not refusing to play a tournament in a country where slave labor built the stadiums in appalling working conditions and being gay is against the law. and everyone will watch and pretend nothings wrong. pathetic in the novel it isn't Turkey that gets killed by the Ducky Boys, its a fordham baldie called Sloopy. but the scene is the same as Turkey's in the movie. and yes he offers the main Ducky Boy a Blowjob. Turkey in the novel isn't really a wanderer he's just some nerdy jewish kid that hangs around sometimes, he's barely in the book why? the prequel in the actually movies? lol oh yeah i forgot, nobody can come up with any good ideas anymore. Yeah they were just like “this is so and so, Sandy’s replacement…” And that’s it! And they just add another weird boring character when sandy was a really good character that was a normal perspective in all the silliness. View all replies >