Season 3

Not good.

Season 1 was great, season 2 very good, but season 3 was just nowhere near the first two.

There are some great scenes here and there but the first two episodes are just garbage and the rest of it just follows weird, boring Characters doing absolutely nothing.


Yeah I agree, I thought series 1 was really good, then I got bored of series 2 but finished it so I could watch the 3rd I've still got 2 episodes to watch it's ok watchable but not great.

Also were is Sandy, in series 2 she says she loves the job and wouldn't want to do anything else, then series 3 gone.


Yeah they were just like “this is so and so, Sandy’s replacement…”

And that’s it!
And they just add another weird boring character when sandy was a really good character that was a normal perspective in all the silliness.


Came here to say the exact same thing.

There just weren’t many laughs at all in this final season and the story was so cliched and contrived in the final episode and the episodes leading up to it were mostly quite boring.

Ricky Gervais must have been putting all his effort into writing his standup because I saw him live a few months back and he was very funny.

Even the critics have given mostly negative reviews for this season despite the first two seasons getting mostly positive reviews.


I guess season 3 got the virus all over it. A few laughs here and there but nothing too redeeming.


I disagree. I think season 3 was very good. I got tears in my eyes near the end, and the usually does NOT happen.



I liked it as well. It wraps up quite a bit, the most important part of which is we see Tony come to terms with his wife’s death. There were many poignant things said—good gosh, how about that “fair rides” lesson!—and there were moments I actually sobbed. Well-written and important stuff there by Mr. Gervais.


I agree completely. Well done, Mr. Gervais!



Yes, the final scene got me crying a bit, and that never has happened.


It was sad.

