SolarisPatchwork's Replies

*A* good guy? No. *THE* good guy? Sure. But in those circumstances there isn't exactly room for a paragon of virtue. He's like a Neutral Good version of Mark Wahlberg, who is Neutral Evil OnanTheBarbarian has been told that many times, and shown videos, and saw sworn testimony from Rittenhosue's *accusers* agreeing to those basic facts. He's just off in his own universe at this point, playing with himself. >We're not talking about cleaning graffiti. Really? You think that's what Rittenhouse was doing there that night? He cleaned graffiti off a church and put out a fire. Here he is with the fire extinguisher and the dumpster: Here he is cleaning graffiti from a church the same day, before the nightly BLM communist riot: >I support law and order, not high school kids playing cop. You support children being murdered and Americans not having the right to defend themselves from thugs, communists, insurrectionists, fake medics, and child-rapists >All I saw there was some unhinged nut show up with a gun, What you saw and what constitutes reality are very different things >Who gives a rat's ass about the race or religion of anyone there? The Proud Boys did. I don't. You clearly do >You ignore that Rittenhouse drank and partied with the Proud Boys after the shooting. Do you mean when he fired his attorney who was using him for photo ops? It came up in the trial you didn't watch: "Rittenhouse says the photo was one of the reasons he decided to fire Pierce, who was 'putting me in situations...with people I don’t agree with'" Look it up. But I'm sure it's not hard for you to believe he was lying, since you think that him being physically assaulted by a child rapist screaming "fight me, n---er, kill me, ni--er!", then later on his back with a riot around him, as men kick his head and another swings a skateboard at him isn't reason enough to believe he feared for his life. (Even though the prosecution's star witness, the one-armed "medic" who illegally owned a firearm, agreed with the defense that Rittenhouse had reason to fear for his life.) This is on video, and the FBI drone footage in the trial shows that Rosenbaum was attacking Rittenhouse as he fled. It also shows that the riot shot at him first, with shots fired by a John Doe #2. >Again, as I proved allover this thread, nobody tried to kill Rittenhouse, only disarm him after he shot a man. What you've *proven* is that you've given me a great opportunity to point out how easy it is to defend the child's actions on that night. >And if your boy is such a "child", why wasn't he at home sucking on a bottle, rather than playing cop at a protest march? The amount of seething you have for a friend showing up and literally putting out a fire and cleaning graffiti off a church (put there by the side you're defending, who were rioting, being destructive and violent) is telling. Nothing Rittenhouse did was illegal. And if you're so concerned with illegality, why aren't you concerned with the literal felon child rapist and the "medic" who illegally owned a firearm and tried to kill a kid with it? >Again, Huber hit him in the shoulder. That's not gonna kill him. "The child should've just laid on the ground and let the screaming man at the vanguard of a riotous mob pursuing him swing a skateboard at his head." >And Grosskreutz had a gun but didn't shoot him. Nobody was trying to kill Rittenhouse. Grosskreutz admitted on the stand that he was swinging the firearm around towards Rittenhouse's head and AGREED that Rittenhouse was right to fear for his life from his own actions. He also was recorded by his friend at the hospital saying his only regret is not killing Rittenhouse earlier. All you have are lies and seething and coping, and you're hilariously incensed that I pointed out only one of his attackers was black and therefore your argument about it being about race has no merit. >Now tell us all some more about these three evil Jews whom you think deserved to die. I think anyone who attacked a child in those circumstances deserves to die. That's the difference between you and me: I see facts and can look at the actual circumstances. It's pretty funny that you sit around fantasizing about killing children. >Here's your hero Rittenhouse beating the crap out of a 15-year-old girl Oh no, a school fight where he was attacked. >He's obviously not trying to kill the brat, just stop him from shooting. Your goal is to stop a child from shooting. You see that the child has a gun. You see the child is running away from your mob. You see he has his hands up. You see he's running towards police. You see he's yelling "Help! I just shot someone!" You hear the mob scream, "GET THAT N-----," "KILL HIM," and "FUCK THAT WHITE C------!" The mob is comprised of communists, anti-white racists, and has been rioting throughout the night, burning down property and screaming constant hatred. Do you: A) Chase after the child and attempt to kill him or B) Let him continue runing to police If you chose A, then you'd have made a decision as bad as Huber and would currently be in the advanced stages of decomposition in the ground, and your victim would be living his life with the emotional scars you gave him--but otherwise safe, thank God. >There wouldn't have been a mass shooting if Kyle Rittenhouse had stayed home that night. People do have a right to protest in the U.S. And police would never shoot a man for lighting fire to a trash can. What an oddity: a "mass shooting" where the only people shot were people who were attempting to murder the shooter! There's another name for it but I can't quite put my finger on what it is... >Oh please, you say these three men were attempted child killers, and then you point out the irrelevant fact that they were all Jewish. Anti-Semitic bullshit. lol you seem to have forgotten you started the conversation with accusations that the post-starter was a white supremacist. I pointed out the men killed were all non-black. You bristled at this and seem to have a massive chip on your shoulder. >Too bad Huber and Grosskreutz weren't at Sandy Hook. Lives could have been saved, you anti-Semitic git. Based on proven events, they'd be the ones attempting to kill children, not save them. Perhaps that's the reason for the-one-armed-child-murderer's new name. You don't really seem capable of absorbing those points, though, and are more accustomed to arguing by using irrelevant accusations and other emotion-centric outbursts. I remembered Ali G and found it kind of funny back in the day, but I lost any respect for him when I had looked into his supposed smoking-gun evidence on Rudy Giuliani attempting to sleep with a young reporter. It was immediately obvious he used deception, editing, and outright lying to lure Giuliani into a compromising-looking situation, then used unrelated behavior to claim Giuliani was doing something inappropriate. In other words, slimy backstabby propaganda that was intended to serve as ammunition for a political party, while pretending to be comedy and entertainment. >What's with the anti-Semitism? Jewish folks are often involved in the civil rights movement. lol k, anti-Semitic to point out that Rittenhouse's attackers weren't black, but Jewish? Would that mean that attempting to murder a white child is anti-white? I was pointing out that only one of Rittenhouse's attackers was black. >He died for trying to disarm a mass shooter. There wouldn't have been a "mass shooting" if multiple people didn't try to murder a child. >After seeing two men gunned down by an unhinged teenager, the medic intervened and was wounded. Which shows you the importance of not attempting to murder someone. >Huber and the medic were only doing what any good citizen would do, disarm a madman who just killed a man. The only one disarmed was the felon who illegally owned a gun and had his bicep righteously blown off. Fun fact, Groeskrutz changed his name to Paul Prediger (look up the Biblical significance) and was later run over by a black man who then fled the scene (lol). Prior to him pointing an illegally owned firearm at a fleeing child, he also witnessed Rittenhouse putting out a fire at a church. At least Groeskrutz had the integrity to admit that he pointed the gun at the child first, and admitted that he could have seen how a man in Rittenhouse's situation would see that a threat of imminent deadly force as he was attempting to flee the multiple attackers. Part of me suspects he's had an inner struggle and come to accept that what he did was wrong and could've resulted in the death of an innocent child. He also lost a lawsuit largely due to his truthful testimony about his actions that night. >You want untrained high school kids patrolling the streets with loaded rifles. No, I don't. But if we had a nation of Rittenhouses and fewer attempted-child-murderers like Rosenbaum, Groeskrutz, Huber, John Doe, and John Doe #2 who fired the first shot at Rittenhouse (and missed), we'd be a lot safer. >I want trained police to do their job. Me too. Why were they told to stand down during the riots? Interesting you assume he's talking about BLM when he simply said "trash." Three men (not black, Jewish, in fact) committed attempted murder on Rittenhouse and he used deadly force to defend his life. The first one was a literal child rapist who was screaming the n-word; the second, a communist that swung a skateboard at the child's head as he was fleeing for his life; the third, a "medic" who self-admitted to pretending to surrender, then pointed a loaded, illegally owned firearm at the child who only then shot him. The only black man involved was an unnamed John Doe who drop-kicked the child as he was fleeing (and hasn't stood trial for his crime). Ironically, the first man and convicted felon, Rosenbaum, was only off his meds because the BLM riots had disrupted his ability to get his psychiatric prescription filled. Reddit used to be great, and censorship was considered such an impossibility there that it was a literal April Fool's joke that they'd implement the ability for mods to delete things. But it fell far and fast, and now it's all bots, idiots, corporations, and fanatical far-left powermods. She says she doesn't want to be deported. Also doesn't make sense because she'd be an anchor baby. But logic is not important in this movie, and we're thinking about this harder than the writers did. Because they have to perpetuate the modern myth of illegal immigration = good and efforts to only allow legal immigration = evil We're frankly lucky she didn't say she would be locked as a kid in a cage That's the funniest part. She auditioned as a woman. They cast her as a woman. They needed a female role and that's the role she played. Attempting to rewrite history is sad and silly They'll end Trump before he can end their deliberate destabilization Very sad. Would he have gone nuts had he not been bullied? Maybe it made it worse? Literally no problem holding a gun in that manner if you've made it safe I'm not trying to be? "Well, you see, he conspired with Russia to try and do it, and did everything in his power to try and rig our elections, and in 2016 Russia hacked our elections and he stole it, and he's not the real President, and he and Russia tried again in 2020, but actually they're the most secure elections ever, and our elections can't be hacked, and not a single piece of evidence of election fraud has been found, but he organized an insurrection to overthrow the government, and he never said to go home or to peacefully protest, and thousands of people died, including hero cops, but fuck the cops and they're racist, #ACAB, and all of them deserve to die, we stand with BLM and the peaceful riots that caused billions of dollars worth of damage and dozens dead, but really that's because the cops used violent tactics against peaceful protestors walking in suits with signs demanding civil rights, and Democrat leaders said to violently protest and punch people in the face and attack Republicans on the street and at gas stations, but that was peaceful, and also Trump tried to use his power to keep his political opponents off the ballot and tried to denigrate the supreme court, and denying that Biden is the president is insurrection, which was another impeachable offense and destroyed Democracy, but that's why Biden needs to use his power to keep his political opponents off the ballot, and--" This runs on a loop in leftists' heads and leads to insanity.