MovieChat Forums > SolarisPatchwork > Replies
SolarisPatchwork's Replies
She wrote numerous jokes about Phyllis being an old ugly woman. Numerous jokes about multiple characters being fat. Made Kevin a literal drooling retard that no woman wants to sleep with. But to an egotist like Mindy Kaling (who named her show "The Mindy Project"), it's crossing the line to note that Kelly got fat.
I was depressed after watching Avatar, and I couldn't put my finger on it. It wasn't that I found the world of Pandora so beautiful, though. I eventually realized that it was because I sat through an extremely long movie that had a VERY bleak perspective on human progress, what it means to be a modern human, and a completely romanticized and impossible fantasy about what it means to be in touch with nature.
The Na'vi are the mythical noble savages, in tune with nature and not suffering disease, diarrhea, famine, plague, STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc. They don't wake up at 3 AM with a churning stomach and go to get some Tums. They live in hammocks in a magical space forest and walk around on bare feet and don't have intra-tribal warfare, politics, rape, incest, or murder. None of their old people get a blister on their bare feet that goes septic and requires them to bash their foot off with a sharpened rock. None of them fall from a bit too high and get a splinter in their abdomen and die in agony over weeks. All of the things that don't happen to them, happened to our ancestors, and the movie encourages us to reimagine our past in a false way and discard all of the advancements of modern society. It encourages us to not notice the million invisible miracles that our fore-fathers struggled to create and on which our entire civilization is based. We're reduced to money-hungry space Nazis who scream in pleasure as we mow down perfect, indigenous peoples.
It's silly, shallow, naive (Na'vi) and very cynical, but presented through a distorted looking glass.
We should fall to our knees and thank God we have mercy, compassion, empathy, creativity, understanding, and, above all, curiosity. A desire to engage in passions and work hard to create fruit for the next generations. To sacrifice and toil so that we can improve the human condition. All of these virtues have been stripped from the representation of humanity in Avatar, and that's why I found it depressing.
Hollywood writers are already working hard on it:
1. Make the new protagonist a black queer teenage genius who outdoes Doc by using YouTube and parts she swiped from her single-mom female scientist's quantum computing laboratory
2. Have her go back in time and experience racism and microaggressions, as well as impresses digitally de-aged versions of Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox
3. If there's time, write a plot
Everything he praises? He said one thing. You're embarrassing yourself.
Now? McCarthy was right, they just were angry that he called them out. They used their massive media influence and control to make his name rank among the worst figures in American history, so much so that every schoolkid learns he was a dark spot on democracy. What they don't ever answer, though, is whether or not he was right, or would be even more right today.
>He then meets a girl from a planet with no men, who therefore has two mothers. Oh but don't worry, in case you needed help, she proudly wears an LGBT Pride pin on her jacket, just so their agenda can further be pushed.
What's your complaint? If you had two mothers you'd be fucked in the head too.
But in the first year of Biden multiple immigrant caravans have come across the border and been allowed into the country without so much as a COVID test....
Exactly, why did the creators insert politics into a kids' movie? It's like they wrote the press releases before the script.
No one gives a fuck about your little tiff with that user. Shut up
The first act was, then they abandoned all those ideas. I think they realized they needed a plot
"Could visiting a dominatrix renowned for sticking needles under fingernails, taking megadoses of Ketamine, and undergoing sadomasochistic sex-humiliation mindgames for years, then injecting estrogen for a decade have an effect on one's ability to think clearly?"
I'll tell you one thing, it sure as shit doesn't help you think any more clearly, as evidenced by whatever the fuck I just watched.
Why? Probably being too gung-ho about the ethic of progressivism and treating it like a virtue, at the expense of even basic acknowledgement of the immense struggle and sacrifice necessary to build our civilization. That type of respect is a generally conservative ethic, and focusing on the future is a generally liberal ethic. If you go too far in the conservative direction you get ossification and an inability to adapt to a changing world, and too far in the opposite direction and you destroy the foundation of your civilization because you simply take it for granted.
Encanto is yet another modern Hollywood movie that shows how widespread that type of hyper-progressive, hyper-leftist thinking is.
There are other examples of it in the movie too. Like repetitions of the strong female trope, the myth of the successful matriarchal society, and yet another tired retread of the trope of the bumbling useless man. (The first male who speaks at any length literally has clownish features for no plot reason and is oblivious to them, and a female has to heal him as he humorously and cluelessly tries to give life advice to his daughter, obviously undercut by the fact that his face is grotesquely injured from his own mistakes.)
When they started writing the show they envisioned the spaceship as Rick's "thing." Note that the now-famous billboard in downtown LA featured the ship:
As the show progressed the show-runners started having more fun with the portal gun concept and that became Rick's "thing," but without any real in-universe explanation as to why it wasn't previously important. Consider, for example, the first episode of Season 3, that features a fake flashback that nonetheless implies Rick has had both teleportation and inter-dimensional teleportation for a long time. This backstory is a bit of a retcon of the importance of the spaceship in Season 1: there's no in-universe explanation as to why they wouldn't just always use the portal gun.
#1 Call a big press conference. Say that TLJ is now no longer canon cannon and thus TROS is a sequel to some unrelated movie
#2 Hire a good writer for JJ to work with and have him flesh out Snoke, The Knights of Ren, Hux, Rey's heritage that explains her mastery of the force, and what Luke was doing hiding out. At the lowest point in this new movie have Rey join Kylo and turn to the dark side, to the dismay of the friends she's known for like a day
#3 Make a new third movie that resolves all the issues, with Rey sacrificing herself to save Kylo and Leia or something similar with Kylo, or even Luke sacrificing himself to save both of them.
I bet you a disgruntled family member of the Electric Sun 19 will show up to try and kill Tim.
+1. The On Cinema Oscars Special is 100000x more entertaining than the actual Oscars. Plus you have Gregg Turkington telling you when Oscer got it wrong, and Tim entertaining us all with his music.
Oh man. She's going to rescue so many female disadvantaged youths and raise them to be strong, powerful, independent female Jedi. NuWars would be all about that.