MovieChat Forums > SolarisPatchwork > Replies
SolarisPatchwork's Replies
How does Trump saying it could've been the result of DEI make it all about himself? It makes it all about the agency in question and whether or not the accident is the result of DEI. Are you not able to entertain hypotheses?
What part of "could" don't you understand?
You're angrier at the person pointing out the FAA's DEI hiring than the DEI hiring itself.
The State committed a Brady violation. It's the biggest transgression against a defendant that the state can possibly do, and it resulted in the judge throwing the case out with prejudice.
You can say he had access to an excellent legal team, but the government rightfully had its shit pushed in.
You can be born in Kenya and become President. What's the problem?
Funnily enough he said that he studied how Tom Cruise runs for the big running sequence in the opening of S2E1
I already fear the writers spiraling down into backstory of characters that really shouldn't have so much significance, like Ms. Cobel. Backstory about <spoiler>her relationship to Gemma</spoiler> is warranted, but I'm getting Westworld vibes where characters like Dolores or Maeve end up being utterly fundamental to everything that happens. The best way I can describe the vibe is like an improv D&D game where the party meets a random character and the DM shapes the narrative of the entire quest to incorporate that character more and more, with some big reveal at the end (not originally premeditated or prewritten) that that character is pivotal to the fate of the entire world.
The reality of TV writing for a show that gets popular is the writers only have a rough idea of what will happen in the future, but they can definitely lean too heavily on "mystery boxes" or dramatically ramping up the influence of characters that were originally minor players.
Actors don't exist fully insulated from the parts they play. Great in other roles or not, she wasn't right for the part.
And to think there were likely many such sinkings like that, equally terrifying to those involved. Just a few years later in WWI 15,000-16,000 sailors drowned, and WWII 100,000 to 120,000.
The human mind cannot comprehend the suffering of even a single individual in that situation, let alone 115,000 of them.
That would've been a far more interesting concept to ponder, though surely less satisfying as a movie. We all like to imagine that the things from culture we hold dear are there for a reason, that they were selected by merit, but it could be a combination of things, and luck might be no small part of it. That, and powerful people manipulating the market.
Why do you think it's a failure? They successfully destroyed a male hero, at least to some group.
It is pretty horrible that children have to absorb the message from people who think like that in every piece of media, isn't it?
But naw, I'm sure it's just another coincidence.
Don't you get it? White men bad, white men evil, white men run everything, but white men incompetent, white men are bumbling idiots and don't deserve to be in any position of power, authority, or respect. But also white men aren't being replaced, that's just a crazy conspiracy theory.
Harvey Weinstein made all of his victims stars, and they consented to it
Sadly she looked it, at least in this role, with caked-on makeup and a plastic face. Utterly baffling. Can we not have attractive female leads?
If it did, it did it 100x better. Escape from Alcatraz seemed like it was intentionally avoiding all the fun parts you want to see, like the end of the escape, revenge on the warden and guards, a feeling of vindication and retribution (or, dare I say it, redemption) and what happens to the escapees.
That is interesting. With the half and half I figured it's because he's so used to it being spoiled at his house.
So what? "B-b-ut this is happening in a DIFFERENT town in Ohio, that PROVES it isn't happening."
If you're going to pretend to be retarded as a debate tactic then it's not worth debating anything with you.
What's your reason for disbelieving the apparent witnesses calling into 911 and speaking at town halls?
>B-b-b-ut that one is from Columbus Ohio
1. You're willing to believe this random person but not the other witnesses?
2. So?
You mean like the video of the woman sitting on the ground with a cat carcass, covered in blood, or the photo of the Haitian man carrying swans by the neck?
Also what kind of a fucking schizo are you that you think the recordings of 911 calls and footage of residents at those town meetings are fake? Let me guess, it's Russian disinformation? lol