MovieChat Forums > Severance (2022) Discussion > Really hope it doesn't end up like Lost

Really hope it doesn't end up like Lost

On the Eve of the second series i am getting pre game nerves.

Season 1 was so good and left on a great cliff-hanger and so many unanswered questions. I don't watch too many TV show particularly the big big ones because i was burned with lost and Heroes.

I think i can remember reading from one of the creators that they had the story already worked out so if that's true then great i don't want them to milk this maybe 3 seasons max wrapped up would be perfect.

But i don't trust TV guys they rarely have integrity and i have already seen a few sneak reviews suggest nothing will be answered only more mysteries

If all this will culminate in a banger of a S3 then fantastic but i am getting Lost vibes really hope i am wrong though


Adopt the "Disney Star Wars Approach" and assume that they will fuck it up. Watch it with low expectations, and if they do a good job, you can be pleasantly surprised.


It will collapse under its own weight. So all you can do is enjoy it now and when it starts to go bad…turn it off.


all shows HAVE TO keep going, and go no where to make their tons of money. I don't trust any of them ever anymore, and have been proven right time and time again.

Shows existance is to try to keep dragging things out.
I just don't watch ANY shows anymore.

We watched the first season of this show out of curiosity. I wont bother watching any more of it.


Yeah i don't really get sucked in too often. One of the few that i completed from start to finish was Breaking Bad because of how much everyone banged on about it and it was torture for me after a while.

Set up was good but they know they have you on the hook then and and so each episode is basically filler with some domestic drama thrown in and then right before the end of an episode something interesting or exciting is revealed to make you want to want to watch the next episode it is like crack.

Honestly BB wasn't a bad show but because i binged it i have bad memories of just suffering through all the boring shit to get to the good stuff, the juice wasn't worth the squeeze.

This show however does seem 'different' in someway like maybe i should give them more credit but as you said they have too long a proven track record of being swindlers

I would like a list of shows where they have genuinely got it right and stopped at the right time and told the story they wanted to. In England we get that but the American shows seem the worse culprits for fucking it up


I think your (and my) fears have sadly come true.


I haven't written it off i do have some faith but it's that thing where the characters got off the Island and now because it's S2 they have to justify them all going back. And i don't want that thing where they are in there for 4 of 5 seasons it could get a bit tedious there needs to be an end in sight if they get it right though it is an excellent series


That's an excellent analogy, Lucia2016, but I think they already got it wrong. I think it could have been an excellent series if perhaps the four stayed on the outside, went underground, and conspired to bring Lumon down while trying to stay alive. Perhaps Cobel could have provided them some kind of shelter (lair) and help them now that Lumon fired her?


It' early days they might still be able to sell it but yes ultimately that's where i thought it would go with them getting to the outside maybe doing the Petey procedure and go back in pretending or something along those lines

There are scenes in the trailer of them running through snow so could be that it will go that way eventually


I already fear the writers spiraling down into backstory of characters that really shouldn't have so much significance, like Ms. Cobel. Backstory about her relationship to Gemma is warranted, but I'm getting Westworld vibes where characters like Dolores or Maeve end up being utterly fundamental to everything that happens. The best way I can describe the vibe is like an improv D&D game where the party meets a random character and the DM shapes the narrative of the entire quest to incorporate that character more and more, with some big reveal at the end (not originally premeditated or prewritten) that that character is pivotal to the fate of the entire world.

The reality of TV writing for a show that gets popular is the writers only have a rough idea of what will happen in the future, but they can definitely lean too heavily on "mystery boxes" or dramatically ramping up the influence of characters that were originally minor players.


Its funny that so many of us are sort of expecting this show to shit the bed - its moving way too slow.


S2E2 gave me Lost vibes for sure. Not a great episode IMO, but there were details, glimpses of what might come I guess. Sometimes I think shows should end after one season. Twin Peaks is an excellent example.
