MoviesSuck's Replies

There’s one scene in a PetSmart where a kid gets trapped inside of a goldfish tank. Struggling for air, he looks up toward the surface and sees that one of the goldfish has evolved and is taking its first steps out of the water and onto dry land. Then there’s a hard cut to 92,000,000 years in the future, showing the advanced society that the goldfish’s descendants have created. Then a naked old lady jumps out of some bushes whilst dressed like a clown. Cut to black. Roll credits. Hope this answers your question. Because white is right. I’ll take that as a compliment. Yes. Around 5pm. It’s one of the most boring posters I’ve ever seen. Has there have been a more boring villain than Kylo fucking Ren? Lol, during your SECOND VIEWING. Why the fuck did you pay for it two times if it was so horrible? Sigh. Every day I want to vote for Trump just a little bit more. It’s just boring. The characters are forgettable, the story is lame, the effects fail to impress... Star Wars was meant to be one film. Everything beyond “A New Hope” has just been pushing the universe’s luck. All I know is that if the film’s depiction of hippies is accurate, then I would have wanted absolutely nothing to do with them. Filthy, repulsive creatures. Because he’s a charisma void. So a grownup must like everything? Says who? No, no, no...fuck that. I’ll hate the Disney Star Wars films like only a free man can. Yes. I have millions of doll hairs at stake. No. Movies suck. Well who doesn’t like watching a train wreck? It’s fascinating. Ugh. That shit makes me gag. Innuendo? You don’t just “get” certain directors to direct. That’s not how that works. Lol. Nobody on Earth gives a shit about this. That said, does true hype even exist for movies anymore like it did in the old days?