MovieChat Forums > MoviesSuck > Replies
MoviesSuck's Replies
And I will 100% not care.
Sorry, dad.
There’s the original version, and then there’s the Lorenzo’s Oil cut.
Don’t forget about Lorenzo’s Oil.
That’s weird! Guess we’re on the cutting edge with this discussion then. Just wait until the mainstream media catches wind of it and the story takes off like wildfire. So glad to have you here with me on the ground floor!
Yes, “Relevance” is indeed another great film that ties into Joker’s overall themes.
What’s not funny? The attention that Joker is bringing to LO?
It’s second only to Lorenzo’s Oil.
Brilliant observation, Black Waffle.
I’d say definitely yes.
That’s beyond brilliant.
Yes, it is. Sounds to me like you need to see Lorenzo’s Oil again.
Come on guys, don’t be shy. Join the discussion.
Not necessarily “last minute”. Most films utilize massive amounts of ADR during post production for a number of reasons. This is why you almost never notice dialogue-related audio issues in a film. This stuff is worked and polished until it’s as clean and professional as humanly possible. In fact, I’d say that on your average film, far more post work goes into the audio mix than the image (with the exception of vfx-heavy movies like Avatar, of course).
He’s getting to the point now where he’s made more bad films than good, but his worst is certainly Ready Player One. It’s absolutely unwatchable.
Okay. Good talk.
No idea who those people are, but I still believe you.
Like it or not, she’s a better director than that creepy old white cis-gendered misogynist male Kubrick. CNN told me so.
I think you mean Brie Larson. She is a director now, after all.
So blend? What does that mean? Are you on drugs?