Every Star Wars 9 Reveal From the D23 Panel



The ultimate reveal in the Star Wars sizzle reel from D23 was the image of Rey, decked in all-black robes, wielding a new double-bladed red lightsaber (which apparently can fold in half to transform into a single blade). This was quite shocking, especially since the young scavenger seemed to have chosen her path at the end of The Last Jedi. There was voiceover from Palpatine during this part (more on that later), raising questions about Rey's arc. At first glance, it seems like she's turned, but it may not be that simple. This could easily be from a dream sequence or something else entirely. The only thing fans can say for sure is "Darth Rey" got people talking, and it'll be curious to learn the actual context.


I heard about this. With this being the climax of the trilogy, I expect the good guys to win but I really want to see what happens. Some Star Wars fans don't seem to like the unpredictability that Disney has thrown into the mix but I like it.


(waves hand) No, WWSmith, you DON'T want to see it. You want to forget this shitty trilogy ever happened.


Maybe it's time to grow up an not have a tantrum if you see a movie you don't like.
Are you upset about Spider-man leaving the MCU? Suck it up.
Did you have a seizure when they cast Ben Affleck as Batman? No one cares.
Were you team Jacob when you were sooo into Twilight? Well, I guess you didn't jump off a bridge and you got through it.
You'll get through this too.


... so, "grow up and stop disliking things?"


So a grownup must like everything? Says who? No, no, no...fuck that. I’ll hate the Disney Star Wars films like only a free man can.


No you can dislike movies all you want... but stop crying about it...


Foebane trolls all the sequel boards but claims he doesn't watch them. These people are losers.


So true... It is okay not to like a movie... but stop acting like your life has been ruined...


Just saw the footage. Unfolding double bladed red lightsaber! Holy bejesus!!


That part was just stupid.


What was stupid about it? That rey would wield a sith lightsaber?


The fold-out blade was just dumb. What's next? A lightsaber pocket knife?


ha i see what you are saying.

I could see a pocket lightsaber being used as a shank in a star wars prison, lol


Every Star Wars movie has to have a new even more ridiculous light saber!


I think there are memes about that. Ha


The shameless toy-range commercial profiteering is strong in this one.


Palps will just be a ghost or hologram. Rey's Dark Side scene will be a Force vision.


I love the theory that Rey is a clone, that there's two Rey clones, and the evil clone has been trained in the dark arts and that Rey has been picking up force powers simply by proxy. Explains away a lot of BS. They won't have the balls to do anything so cool.


Kennedy and a lot of Lucasfilm execs are desperate. It's over for them if this one fails.


Define failure. These movies will always make a profit. I thought TLJ was terrible, but it made Disney a lot of dough. And there's no way JJ Abrams is making a Star Wars movie as bad as TLJ.


These movies are certainly supposed to always make a profit, and a fairly large profit at that. That's why Disney paid $4 billion for the franchise. But Solo lost a lot of money. While I don't see IX losing money, I think it's going to underperform vs. their expectations, and I would define that as a failure. I'm predicting a worldwide gross of $600-800 million.


IX will easily cross a billion. The question is whether it will cross $1.5 billion or not.

Solo was a film nobody wanted and turned out being mediocre. Those two things never mix well together.


I believe Solo failed because a very large group of Star Wars fans completely wrote off paying to see new SW movies after the disaster of TLJ. I know I did. Solo itself was enjoyable. I watched it a couple of times on Netflix.

TLJ only did 1.3 billion, so the suits will be very happy if your prediction turns out to be correct.


"I believe Solo failed because a very large group of Star Wars fans completely wrote off paying to see new SW movies after the disaster of TLJ."

I just don't think reality works that way. I can't think of a time where a bad movie came before a better movie and the bad movie made more money but influenced the better movie into making less. So many were "done" with Star Wars after Attack of the Clones, yet Revenge of the Sith still made $200 million more despite coming after that terrible movie.

The Star Wars Story movies were never meant to be big tentpole box office successes like the flagships of VII, VIII and IX. On top of that, nobody asked for Solo prequel. People were saying it to KK's face that she should be focusing on a Kenobi project instead. They already had the perfect actor to play him. Then Solo ends up going over budget and KK fires the directors, all before TLJ even opens.

Now maybe TLJ is the reason Solo made nearly $400 million worldwide instead of $500-$600 million worldwide, but the latter is still a box office loss since its budget blew up to $300 million.


Darth Mary Sue?
