Remember when Lucas left..

The franchise, and finally someone with capable filmmaking hands would take over and make some great Star Wars films? The excitement for the new trilogy was immense. Well, about 5 years later... it didn't happen at all.

Although Lucas failed with the prequel trilogy, these new directors and writers ain't bringing it either. Except perhaps for one flick.. Solo. It was the only film that was able to modernize Star Wars, while at the same time keep the classic SW feeling.

Most of us doubt that JJ will be able to salvage anything with this film, but I'm hoping for a miracle.


Rogue one was good ..


Solo was a HORRIBLE pile of shit that I walked out of during my second viewing, I just thought the Kessel Run was SO STUPID.

Rogue One, on the other hand, is practically CLASSIC material.


Rogue One = overrated. In addition, didn't feel like SW. Connecting it to A New Hope was not earned and tonally all wrong.


Solo = overrated. ...

There, fixed it for you.


Solo has a 7 rating on IMDB. Rogue One has a 7.8.

Fixed that for you.


That's hardly a ringing endorsement of your favourite movie, now is it?


It should be higher, much higher. To tell you the truth it's not a ringing endorsement, but I know what I saw, and I trust my take on it. Sometimes good movies fail to hit a nerve, this is one such occasion. It is underrated.

That you saw it two times, and walked out the second time is very peculiar. Kessel run was fine, why walk out?


Lando having a romantic or sexual relations with a robot is so wrong. Not Star Wars.


Is that seriously the complaint?


One of many. Can you defend it at all?

"You're alone so I'll give you the name Solo." LOL! What crap writing!


'' "You're alone so I'll give you the name Solo." LOL! What crap writing! ''

HAHAHA yes!!! That was SO lame. I stopped caring from that point and felt asleep...


It's a legitimate complaint. It felt like Disney shoving their weird leftist sexual politics into the film.


So wrong.


If they had made a total fan service movie like Rogue One with the original cast, just giving everybody one more ride in ultra HD with cutting edge effects, then get on with their dumb trilogy, everything would have gone over a lot more swimmingly.


Lol, during your SECOND VIEWING. Why the fuck did you pay for it two times if it was so horrible?


It was so horrible that you went to see it twice? The fuck?


The prequels had their issues but overall I enjoy the PT more than the OT, and I think that Revenge of the Sith is the best film in the franchise.

Also, Solo was boring. Rogue One is the best of the Disney SW films.


>>I think that Revenge of the Sith is the best film in the franchise.

This is a comedy routine right? You think the bland Return of the Sith is better than the magnificent, brooding and brilliant Empire Strikes Back?

Let me try to be as funny as you.. my favorite Back to the Future film is.. the third one!


Empire is #2. It could be #1 if it didn't drag in the middle.

There are points in Empire where I just get straight up bored.
