MovieChat Forums > ATG6 > Replies
ATG6's Replies
I think he was traumatized by his parents' murder. Hard to predict how it might affect him.
Still the best superhero show on TV. I've watched it a half dozen times, all the way through.
It isn't often when the TV version of a character is so much better than the movie version.
Let's hope so.
She was good, hopefully she gets her own Supergirl movie.
If Keaton Batman comes back, it should only be as the Batman Beyond version, mentoring a new Batman.
I thought it was "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice."
Ever see "Last Vegas"? Four guys who span 25 years are supposed to have been classmates in school.
School girls having a crush on the Flash was the worst part, given the actor's real life troubles.
The falling babies was cringe, but funny. The baby in the microwave was even more cringe. At least he saved the rescue dog in the end credits.
This was fairly good, the multiverse stuff was handled well, and consistently, which isn't always the case.
The DCEU has had hits and misses.
Marvel was more consistently above average but not as great. Until the past year or two when they lost their way.
At least Bane is now no significant threat to Gotham, he's a blundering buffoon, like in "Batman and Robin."
Yeah, but now suddenly Barry/Ezra is part Spanish? How does that work exactly, multi-verse?
This has some great parts and some not so good parts. Overall a worthy addition to the DCEU.
It jumps from dumb humor to very dark quite often. Audiences often have trouble with that (see Ranger, The Lone).
Getting taller and bigger isn't the problem, but where does the extra mass come from?
And if you grew 8 inches in an hour, wouldn't you be clumsy for a while?
I grew 12 inches in 3 years in high school, and I was clumsy for a year.
His father was a great man. That was the point. But the movie was about the son, making his own way in the world.
A prequel would have been cool though.
Pretty much everything is though.
Hello.... this film was in COLOR. Clearly cribbing from The Wizard of Oz.
Great acting, writing, dialog. It's a bit slow paced, but Mike and Gus add a little tension.
Be patient, it's worth it.
It's not even close. LA Confidential is a classic.
Gotta blow up some landmarks, or it ain't a proper invasion.
An underrated gem. The best of the first 4 Batman films, really.