MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2023) Discussion > the implications of SPOILER becoming the...

the implications of SPOILER becoming the DCEU Batman (Spoilers)

George Clooney is now the DCEU Batman at the end erasing Affleck and replacing Keaton who had originally filmed the final scene with the new SG (before it was reshot with Cavil/Gadot showing up, then again with Clooney). Keaton would then have been the 'new' DCEU Batman appearing in the shelved Batgirl with JK Simmons as Cmsr Gordon, cameoing in Aquaman 2, and potential Batman Beyond movie

So now it means 1997s Batman & Robin is now canon in the DCEU backstory for Batman (which also means variations on the previous 3 Batman movies which now had Clooney in them) so that means Chris O'Donnells Robin was potentially murdered by the Joker shortly after B&R (Jack Nicolson's Joker possibly wasn't killed at end of Batman 89?, as Clooney would have a slightly altered past/universe as we saw with Keatons Batman), Clooney Batman faced off against Cavill Superman and flirted with Gadot Wonder Woman in BvS, beat up Will Smiths Deadshot (and Nicolson Joker, who has Margot Robbie as his Harley) in Suicide Squad. and brought back Superman to take on Steppenwolf in Justice League (both versions)

Regarding the potential future of the DCEU in the inevitable Crisis on Infinite Earths movie in a few years time headlined by new DCU actors but featuring the previous DCEU actors (like happened in Spiderman No Way Home, The Flash and will be done in Deadpool 3/Avengers Secret Wars) obviously wed see Affleck return as the DCEU Batman (the explanation being Barry simply went back and changed it so Batfleck returned)


Okay, just for fun...

'Clooney Batman faced off against Cavill Superman [...] and brought back Superman to take on Steppenwolf in Justice League (both versions)'

I don't think there's any evidence that Superman exists in the world that Barry ended up in. Sure, humans are still around so it's safe to say Zod didn't terraform the Earth, but we don't know that he even turned up. There's nothing to say anything like that happened in any other universe than the DCEU. And if that world is a Schumacherverse/DCEU mash-up (like the previous one was a Burtonverse/DCEU mash-up), maybe the whole Zod thing never made the cut. Maybe there are no metahumans at all, so no JL/ZSJL (there's an argument that the post credit scene with Arthur happens on yet another Earth; Barry says that although Bruce looks different on each world he's been to, Arthur always looks the same. Well, we haven't seen him meet any other Arthurs so that kinda implies that he's done more world-hopping since meeting Clooney).

I will say, though, that I could totally see Clooney's Batman flirting with Gadot's Wonder Woman if she was around! πŸ˜‰


think its safe to assume there is a (cavil) superman in the new Clooney/DCEU mash up as there was an end filmed with Cavil (plus Gadot).. before Gunn decided to bring in Bale (and then Clooney when Bale said nope!*) Clooney obviously works better as the movie is WTF/batsh*t crazy, so it ending with the worst Batman/Batverse imaginable is kind off kilter funny/shocking in a James Gunn/fubar way (and maybe even a statement on the DCEU mess itself?)

*can you imagine if it had been Bale?! that means it wouldve been Ledgers joker killing Robin (JGLevitt)

i wonder if they ever considered bring in RPatz? (he and Matt Reeves more likely to have said yes than Bale/Nolan and the holier than thou/exists totally unto itself TDKverse!)


They did originally intend there to be a Superman (Cavill), but just going by what's onscreen there's nothing to say there is in the final version. I mean there might be, but we don't know there is. Pattinson would have been a fun crossover. He seems he likes a laugh in interviews. I never thought Bale would be up for it though, even when the idea was first floated waay back. It would have been nice to at least see a nod to the Nolanverse in the speedforce along with Reeve, Slater, West, etc. It really stood out that there wasn't. Even clear audio of Ledger's unmistakable Joker laugh (maybe from the interrogation scene) would have been cool!


Yeah they couldve included some augmented footage from TDK trilogy (e.g. Bale/Ledger from the TDK finale look up at the anomaly/WTF is going on) but I guess Nolan vetoed it


At least Bane is now no significant threat to Gotham, he's a blundering buffoon, like in "Batman and Robin."


I think Affleck is going to be playing cameo Batman for close to the rest of his career.


It wouldn't surprise me if his Batfleck movie gets made eventually, as an 'Elseworlds' movie like Joker and The Batman series


Y'know, I could actually see that happening! Crazy times!


the past decade has really brought about some very unlikely movies (including The Flash! Michael Keaton returning as Batman was totally unbelievable thing, maybe too unbelievable so no one turned up!.. but likes of Star Wars VII, Blade Runner 2, Top Gun 2, Spiderman NWH were considered far fetched near impossible notions just a few years before) so I have no problem with imagining The Batfleck Movie becoming a reality along with other DC 'Elsewhere' movies (WW3, Burton/Cage's Superman Lives, even a Synder JL2)


That is true. Ten years ago just the mention of three Batman incarnations running around at the same time on the big screen would have caused laughter and ridicule in the WB boardroom (not to mention fandom!), and yet here we are in a world where Affleck, Keaton, and Pattinson have played the role concurrently. And even the suggestion of a musical Joker movie would have probably got some exec fired! πŸ˜‚ I like that these off the wall choices are now on the table. I get the concern that studios could become lazy and rely on novelty, nostalgia and legacy over storytelling, but provided that is avoided it can lead to some really interesting movies that satisfy on multiple levels.

I would love a Gadot WW3 some day. And I've got a feeling that despite his original movie bombing, with the public's current love of meta humour in these movies, we could see Ryan Reynolds back as Hal Jordan in a cameo at some point!
