MovieChat Forums > ATG6 > Replies

ATG6's Replies

Best super-villain team-up ever, too. Not since Phase 4 started.... Actually, Iron Man 2 was worse than Iron Man 3. One of the problems with multiverses.... I wonder if the script was as bad as the wardrobe. Well worth watching. Don't forget Joey objectifying women, and judging them on their looks. Really though, the show was No. 1 for a long time. No one was offended at the time. The show had a lot of secondary characters to represent other groups, who would undoubtedly be represented in the main cast if it were created now. The really dumb thing is thinking these other barely inhabitable planets would make a better home than the post-blight Earth. With technology so advanced that they could terraform these inhospitable places, it would be a walk in the park to re-terraform Earth to make it livable again. And once they had the technology to live in space on the orbiting habitats, why would they need another planet at all? Because they already knew they had received such a message in the past. They needed to close the time loop. Kind of dumb to use Morse Code though. A simple binary or hexadecimal code would have been more efficient. The first two thirds are great, portraying what it really might be like to receive an encoded message from an advanced civilization around another star. The last third is typical Hollywood mumbo-jumbo about feelings. An early example of quantitative easing, too. <blockquote> The king reportedly left Mali with a caravan of 60,000 men. He took his entire royal court and officials, soldiers, griots (entertainers), merchants, camel drivers and 12,000 slaves, as well as a long train of goats and sheep for food. It was a city moving through the desert. A city whose inhabitants, all the way down to the slaves, were clad in gold brocade and finest Persian silk. A hundred camels were in tow, each camel carrying hundreds of pounds of pure gold. It was a sight to behold. And the sight got even more opulent once the caravan reached Cairo, where they could really show off their wealth... So lavishly did he hand out gold in Cairo that his three-month stay caused the price of gold to plummet in the region for 10 years, wrecking the economy. </blockquote> This guy would make for an interesting movie: Mansa Musa, the king of Mali in the early 1300s. <blockquote>The richest person ever is thought to have been an emperor with an accumulation of wealth often described as “unimaginable” or “incalculable.” The title goes to 14th-century African emperor Mansa Musa, and his wealth has been estimated to be the modern day equivalent of $400 billion. Musa ruled the Mali Empire beginning in 1312, at a time where gold and salt resources helped the empire expand and flourish. Musa and the empire owned almost half of the Old World’s gold, BBC reports. Musa is credited for funding and encouraging literature, education, architecture and the arts. According to, Musa showed the true size of his wealth on a pilgrimage to Mecca, surrounded by tens of thousands of soldiers and slaves carrying mass amounts of gold. He left behind gifts of gold as he crossed through Egypt, a gift generous in thought but not in actuality. The precious resource actually decreased the value of metal and had a disastrous impact on the economy for over a decade. </blockquote> Clark could be the fact checker. Fly anywhere to see what's true and what's not. Rachel Brosnahan for Lois Lane sounds good. And now our cell phones are more powerful. It would be nice to see at least one full ten-minute set from the star. The other actors are good, but they've hardly written any jokes for Midge this season. I started a new job in 2009 and had my choice of a Blackberry or an iPhone 3. So glad I went with Apple.... LA Confidential was better than Titanic and better than Forrest Gump. And pretty much everything is better than The English Patient. Because LA Confidential is a much better movie. Malek was great in this. He was intense and obsessed with solving the case. Denzel saw the obsession growing and tried to help him avoid it. Yeah, it seemed there was more to it, like maybe someone was killing them for him. He wanted to be a Charles Manson type.