TheAdlerian's Replies

The Hulk is dependent on Banner's psychology and he's had many different version. But, there was no boring Hulk who is okay with being Hulk and a normal guy at the same time who doesn't care. The film shows Hulk and Thor as cowards. They get beaten then broken and can't get over it. A fighter who only fights when he knows he can win is a coward. That was the complete opposite of what these characters were designed to say. The first Spiderman is still good. People can't just say "It's not good anymore" without reasons why. Even the third one isn't bad if you take into account that Venom was making him act bizarrely. It ended up looking stupid because that wasn't made clear enough and the bizarre behavior was more comical than insane. The themes and general storyline were good. You're incorrect about marketing research. That is done sometimes with some films. Some films are made based on the idea that the filmmaker is an "artist" and will come up with their own vision. The first Fantastic Four was made like that. The director said he never read any of the comics and just did what he wanted. Fans were unhappy. The latest FF film did terribly and I refused to watch with with the black character and all of that crap. Many films are developed in a room full of people, likely related somehow because they're jews, and probably many of them are intoxicated. If the case was anything different, we would likely have a lot better films. Back in the classic movie days they would get real writers, who wrote novels, to write the scripts for movies and come up with ideas. Now, it's Seth Rogan in a room with his buddies and whatnot. Evidence of that here is fat Thor. A test audience did NOT approve that. That's something Seth Rogan would come up with because he's fat, Harvey Weinstein types are fat, and neurotic, and so forth. I'm a huge movie fan and love classic movies. Back in the 30s and 40s there were many serial films typically starring one character. Usually they were about a detective. One was called The Thin Man and it was the ongoing adventures of A husband and wife detective team. Another was called Andy Hardy all about this boy, played by the same actor, as he ages and goes through life. Serial movies probably turned into TV. Now, since no one knows anything, you think that TV turned into movies, lol. Negative: The film is kind of negative in many ways. The first is that comics are typically about people winning. Superheroes are metaphors for types of people who are awesome and get things done. They do not do selfish things, die, etc. That is real life, not heroic life, and so when people who like comics see out of character behavior, they get annoyed. 1. Feminism, SJW stuff: Equality and fighting for everyone has been a theme in comics since forever. Superman wouldn't snub a black person, a women, or anyone. We all know this, so you don't have to directly put that in the movie. It's preaching to the choir. 2. Killing beloved characters: They shouldn't kill characters, they should reboot them. 3. Stick to source material: The source materiel has gotten fans excited for decades and maybe even 50 to a 100 years worth of people. What they did with the gauntlet is a cheap plot hole, plot device. That really annoyed me. 4. Thor: Don't make characters goofy. He can be witty and innocent, because he's supposed to be very loving, but don't put stupid comedy stuff in a serious film. Sometimes I think they write these films on drugs. Most of us in the audience can see glaring problems, but they cant? It happens so frequently it's weird. Yes. I don't know why they changed the story as there was nothing wrong with it to make it filmable. They do this with some many comic movies. Some stories and characters have been around for about a hundred years and generations like them, then a filmmaker will ignore all that and make his own version which is inferior. HOLY FUCK!!! It's not about the fucking Reality Stone, but the Gauntlet, or all the stones together. With that you have a wish machine that could not kill you because you would wish it wasn't happening and become whatever needed for it to stop. AS I HAVE BEEN FUCKING SAYING....this movie is the literal definition of a plot hole as it uses a plot device to end the story. The definition of plot device on wiki has an example which is the exact story in this movie. The comics handled it without doing that and created a richer more meaningful story They're virtually gods. They have been alive forever, have basically indestructible bodies that aren't based on any biology anyone can think of, and they have various superpowers. I've seen that in films where the car is pulling out slowly or in on road conditions where that wouldn't happen. It's especially stupid when the car is slow. I had that guy screaming as he falls effect that has a name that is escaping me at the moment. Whenever I hear that and I'm enjoying a film, it pulls me right out because it sounds so fake. Meanwhile, other comments are interesting. A knife or a sword doesn't make the movie sound, but when we hear that sound we know what is going on. That's really interesting. Yes. It's an insane obsession with men. I always thought that was so bizarre. Feminism, especially in the media, worships men by promoting all things male as being the goal for women. Even hairdos have to be male when millions of men have long hair. It's some kind of mental illness. I didn't know he insulted the movies. Avatar was a bad movie in so many ways so that would be great. What the fuck? It was amazing. It's more amazing when you think about it because it's all CGI but looks about as real as you can get. I used to say about science fiction CGI that it will never look real because we haven't seen that stuff in real life and will always know it's fake. But, films like this really challenge that notion of mine. In real Christianity demons can't take over people. The idea is that Jesus is the "good shepherd" and always around watching us and protecting us. Jesus would not let a demon harm someone. Jesus wouldn't let demons leave hell. Jesus said that we aren't allowed to even think negative thoughts about each other, so he wouldn't be in heaven thinking that someone who's alive needs to be tortured. It's inconsistent to have a wishing machine that puts you in charge of creation have a cost that would equal you not being alive to be in charge of creation. This discussion in moronic. I posted this before and if you don't acknowledge that this is exactly what happens in this film, you're just being delusional. Plot Device wiki: "Many stories, especially in the fantasy genre, feature an object or objects with some great power. Often what drives the plot is the hero's need to find the object and use it for good, before the villain can use it for evil, or if the object has been broken by the villains, to retrieve each piece that must be gathered from each antagonist to restore it, or, if the object itself is evil, to destroy it. In some cases destroying the object will lead to the destruction of the villain." The comics wasn't a cliched plot hole but this movie is, which is a disappointment.