TheAdlerian's Replies

What? I work in psychology and have spend huge amounts of time in ghettos in Philly. It's a good bet that your white daughter, black one, etc will get raped or worse around black guys. In the film, the husband and wife instantly agree on this and there's no argument. I am white and would never let my child live in a black neighborhood or go to a school with too many blacks. I have worked in some of their schools and violence is common including rapes, that the blacks working there do nothing about. I don't see the movie as "racist" if it's sending out factual info as facts aren't racist. PC is reverse racism as such ideas make it seem like there are no problems with anyone, which actually dehumanizes blacks, etc by making them into protected almost pet like people. I am curious about why the film decided to "go there" when the film really isn't about the realities of racial/cultural behavior. While I liked everyone in the film, it had a very cliched plot. I just watched Triple Frontier on Netflix and it had the same plot. It's a plot I've seen in movies from the 1940s. People are after money they believe with change everything then life and all the money is lost. I don't really get what the money was going for as far as message, but I enjoyed it overall. Good point about sports, they're pointless. Comics are largely allegories that people find meaningful. It's why they don't want them messed around with because the stories mean something to people. Solo was better was there was more story, quality dialogue, and plot. I didn't like that much be rewatched it on Netflix and thought it was okay and okay to watch again. Marvel isn't a movie you can watch over and over to appreciate. He looks super jewish to me and has an evil stereotypical face as seen in racist cartoons of sinister jews. I don't care if he is, but he looks like that and I find his face hard to look at. It has a natural sneer on it. He was perfect for Deux Ex, but terrible in Star Wars. He is not a heroic looking man. It's not his fault, it's just his face. It was a little scratch and then suddenly he lost his eyeball and got horrible scaring. It's like something my mom would have warned me about. Typically, I don't care about this stuff because it doesn't apply t real life. For instance, we can talk about feminism all day long but in real life, men and women will do the same things they have done since recorded history. So, political stuff just seems like empty philosophy to me that few ever really act on. With that being said, I've heard from the right for many decades that they're a "social engineering" war going on. Again, sounds like some BS to hype people up. In this situation, it really is TRUE. There really is a media war going on with the media being against regular people on the internet who are fighting back. I'm not saying the average people are right in their stance, but the media is actually trying to suppress them, thus making them very wrong. And, this film, the actress, etc has said directly offensive things to attack average people. It means the war is real. Yes. In the comics he's a white guy who was in WWII and was a huge war hero and man of action. I believe he was on some life enhancing drug or something and was a master spy, warrior, etc. In this film he was a cheer and easy going black guy who seemed pretty naive. It was like Jackson's most laid back character ever and I've seen most of his films. Yes, but it led to his eyeball being destroyed, which is weird. It's like he got some kind of out of control infection or something. Very odd. Wow, I was thinking Ewan MacGreggor when I started reading your post. I just rewatched the prequels the other day and laugh and him talking to CGI characters as he kinda looked past them. It was clear he did quite know where to look and was doing his best. However, he's a good actor and constantly had the Jedi pleasant demeanor even if he wasn't looking in the right direction all the time, lol. I don't know how you could play an alien superhero and not want to show some passion or if you're a director just letting someone stand there playing one. I thought Wonder Woman was going to suck because the actress was a model, but then she did a great job because she showed emotion. So, even an inexperienced actor can do well if they try. Anyway, the movie wasn't good and has almost no rewatchability. Most Marvel films are worth watching again for all the little things, even if they aren't great. I know that but you'd think that wanting to make profits and people happy to see the film would beat out that agenda. Perhaps they think other countries, like china, are racist and will love the message? I have no idea why she would be allowed to say such a thing. I didn't pay to see the film and it was partly for that reason. I was going to, but then decided not to. After seeing how poor the movies was, I was happy I didn't pay. I hate to say it, but I believe that. It's either that or they are a relative. There's no way a wooden young female actor is going to go from the bottom to the top of acting without some weird advantage happening. I can't figure out why she would publicly say that about men. It is disastrous for sales and that's what actors are doing when they make public appearances. It reminds me of a cheap film that was thrown together quickly to create a bridge to the next movie. That has to be the case as Marvel can't fail now even if they do this. However, it's kinda funny if true as this is supposed to be some kind of feminist tribute, and they decide to make a low budget failure out of it. I don't recall her from other things, so is that her typical presentation? I recall seeing Kristen Stewart and thinking there was something psychologically wrong with her after seeing her in movies. That turned out to be true. I don't care to put these people down, but I do wonder how they get into movies. Brie is normal looking and appears dead. Stewart isn't pretty and appears to be extremely dead. I love Marvel and DC for different reasons. I have seen all of the Marvel films and enjoyed them all even if some weren't excellent, they were still all good. Typically, the level of witty dialogue and cool tie ins to the enter series made them fun. This film was boring, not very witty, and the actress was terribly boring, like shockingly boring. The plot wasn't great and I really didn't care what was going on. I actually got sleepy during the film and I'm the least sleepy person in the history of sleepy people. It wasn't worth paying for. The movie is very dull and is the only Marvel movie I've seen that is poorly made like that. In addition, the actress is terrible in the role. That or the director decided to make her as boring as possible. She has the super wooden Kristen Stewart thing going on. That always puzzles me because you'd think any person in a major movie would know that they're supposed to "act" but yet so many actors like this don't act. It is bizarre to me and makes me conclude that some of these people are relatives of rich people or dating them, and that's how they get parts. Whatever, the case, I found the film to be very boring. I'm also familiar with comics and know the stories around Captain Marvel. They are much better than this film. The male version was a very important figure surrounding Thanos and was part of an epic saga.