TheAdlerian's Replies

Also, Santa knows every single person on Earth and he knows how to speak their languages. He knows everything they want and all about them. If they are doing poorly he wishes they weren't. He knows the cop and his girl want to get back together, which isn't material. The story isn't about presents it's how good it feels to be cared about and to be an expert on your loved ones. Very good! My friend? I got her into rehab, helped her get many of her things back, and secretly helped her have a Christmas for her family. She has been trying hard! My girlfriend had some problems and that created issues that we have to tackle together. But, she doesn't know who she has on her side and we shall overcome! It sounds a lot more fun sleeping in the street and getting Hep C with an AIDS chaser than going to school. I'll bet that's how it all plays out. I stand corrected. I get it, but trust me, people with mental problems are not nice. I have known lots of therapists who quit or get depressed because they think people want help and will be grateful. That's almost never the case. People are like dogs when they're under stress, abused, etc, they may attack. It takes a LOT to be nice and think nice thoughts about someone in that state. I knew a guy who had AIDS, back before there was treatment, and a nurse was taking his blood. He picked up the needle and poked her with it, just for the hell of it. Very handsome guy and you'd never guess. Thanks. There's no time of money for a therapist for therapists any more. For me, it's the gym and trying to keep positive. I am a stalwart man of determination. I never give up especially on loved ones. Please stop eating inhabited planets, man. She looks and acts like an evil jewish woman judging the infidels around her. I knew a judge just like her, looks and everything, in Philly. No. It is poverty status and you should be deeply ashamed. Thank god this forum is anonymous. Wow, good stuff! I feel the exact same way sir!! Here's to you! I was just explaining about different types of the cake which can be tasty. A mild rum flavor is nice and will not affect you. I prefer to alcohol. I've seen that change many times. Typically, addicts are hyper sensitive people and are hurting themselves for that reason. A cold person doesn't need to do drugs to numb themselves, etc. Drug dealers tend to be rapists, not drug users. In Philly, literally every female drug user I've known has been raped by black drug dealers. The stories are heinous. However, As I've explained, most drug users are suicidal. It's called "para-suicidal" behavior in psychology. That means indirect suicidal behavior. That can mean getting fired from jobs, locked up, beat up, raped, and so forth. A person like this is trying to destroy their life. In so doing, they end up with nothing and will steal things from stores, etc. That to me is no big deal and part of this terrible cycle. However, if you steal where to put the lives of others at risk, terrorize others (I'm going to shoot you), and victimize people to the point where you are harming them psychologically, then you have done some bad things and need jail. A billionaire might consider your public schooling a waste of money because to him you have amounted to nothing. Jesus said, "If you live by the sword, you die by the sword" and what that means is if you have a brutal philosophy of life then don't cry when someone uses your same philosophy against you. There are people out there who don't consider you worthy and don't give a shit. Don't cry when they say the same about you and you say about others. Another point is that stopping a person't life at point B, because point B seems bad, doesn't allow them to get to point J, when they turn is all around. There have been many people who just led the worst life and then all of a sudden get disgusted and change massively for the better. They had to go through all those steps to do that. That's a big thing I've seen in real life in people who go to 12 Step meetings. Real fruit cake that is moist can be delicious. Dry fruitcake with cheap dried fruits is gross and hard to eat. Rum soaked fruitcake is also delicious but will get you drunk. No. Does this sound like a happy, productive, person connected to life? They sound like a person with no feeling of power and that made them a bully. That's not choosing to be a bully when you have a world full of options. Here's a dumb but true example: Imagine you stub your two or smash your "funny bone" or a branch falls and hits you in the head, etc and someone right at that moment asks you what you think of world peace and babies! What would your answer be? Probably "WTF!!" or something crude. That would be completely understandable. Now, a chronic illness is like a stubbed toe that never ends. It induces fear, which can lead to false anger, because you know the rest of your life will be all about feeling this stubbed toe. If you know someone is sick, show compassion. It will be your turn one day unless you're lucking enough to just drop dead in your sleep. Should they have died? Not on my watch, as they say in the movies! Most drug addicts I've known have similar stories and are sad, pathetic, broken people. They don't need to die. They need the exact opposite and the strong among us need to be kind and cheerful to such people. If there is a god, he loves that. If there is not god then it is still a good thing to be kind and make the world a little less cold. I've been a therapist for 30 years and have had lots of clients with drug problems. I have known many who died, 40 in two days, and have had to order the plug pulled on some who became brain dead. I have worked in Kensignton Philly and the PA prison system, with kids, and all kinds of stuff. I met my lovely girlfriend in Philly in 2014 and found out that she has very bad drug problems. It is terrifying as I have always been "straight edge" and find drugs and the lifestyle disgusting. Most drug users don't "choose" to do drugs. Typically, they are born into degenerate families who cause them to have psychological problems. I have a female friend here who has been doing drugs since 8 years old. They were provided by her family who were bikers. They used her as a child prostitute, and so forth. You can only imagine how her mind works. Meanwhile, I met her in 2016 and thought she was the smartest and funniest woman I have ever met. This last year, she relapsed again and all kinds of terrible things were happening. I literally searched for her in the worst areas and finally got her into rehab. She is doing well now. There was no way in hell I was going to let her die. My girlfriend had a relapse, kind of because I was helping my friend that I just talked about. My gf was raised by two drunks who would disappear out of her life as a child. Her mom let her date a pedo, who got her pregnant and gave her VD at 14. She then had an abortion. Her mom then died from alcohol issues and her mom's boyfriend secretly had control of the house, sold it, then made my gf and her brother homeless. So, they had nowhere to live as kids but the street. My gf then got into drugs and trying to kill herself. All of that came out because she thought my helping my friend into rehab was sexual and my way of dumping her. So, she had a very dangerous relapse and I had no clue about what was causing it because helping friends is what I do. My gf and friend could easily have died. I'm in Philly. I went into this pizza place, Sicilian Pizza, and it was run by Indians. Eventually, I asked them why they weren't making Indian themed pizza, then the guy pointed it out! They have Indian cheesecakes and all kinds of stuff sort of off the menu. I have bad skills! Do you use a VPN? Do you torrent on your TV or computer? Please explain why.