MovieChat Forums > L1 > Replies

L1's Replies

You couldnt make this shit up and you dont have to. Isnt it great, all these stars selflessly giving of themsleves. He just happened to succumb to corona virus, as you do. These ARE twisted and distorted sick peopel afater all THey predict what is goign to happen or currently happening LOL We are goign to give him a massive round of appluase! THeyll mock christianity, theyll mock christian values.. we just cant... Netflix will not deny that they are supporting pee dee. Please know what your kids are watching. I dont have any way of confirming that this picture is real.. who signed off on this? That is teh timeline we live in. They cant stand teh fact that he is president, they are freaked out what he can do. They absolutely hate the fact that he is president right now. Its more like peopel who are trying to raise awareness and have conversations. This is very interesting. Everyone should be on board with this! We are in a war for teh souls of our countries right now and the protection of our families. This guy has been in the industry for 20 years. I think he knows what goes on in the industry. Hes not just some schmuck He has been in a lot of films. Why are all these differnet institutions workign together so much to do evil? It is absilutley insane. I never got to watch it. I wish I did. So i could go back and wtch it. John Paul Rice urged viewrs to take action to end violations in the indusrtry,that are not accidental. I have alot more respect for Rose mcGowen.