a Giant "HUH?..." back at ya! Forget God..you must confuse yourself with Him since you know EXACTLY when life begins. Must be something to know the VERY SECOND a bunch of cells SUDDENLY turn into a human being!!
Maybe you can share that PRECISE moment it turns into a baby with ALL the scientists & persons in the world (given the controversy surrounding just that!). Think about it....would not the WORLD be waiting to hear from you since you write you have that answer!
OH, hmm.....what could I have gotten wrong here? (lol)
Reading you literally, taking your statements seriously!
And funnier than that--well maybe equal-- is all your other wild assumptions.
I know you will think I'm joking here (I am not)....I hope you never stop writing, no kidding there...I have to get amusement where I can.
Life is short. Maybe you feel the same & THAT accounts for your compositions.
Because here too, I LOVE where you also assert defiantly, boldly & clearly (as thus you should given YOU'RE GOD) that according to religion (I will take it you mean ALL...lol!) gays must be doomed to hell.
I don't know WHERE you were unfortunate enough to be schooled.
Or if you ever were.
But please DO let me enlighten you that MOST religions leave the JUDGING up to God & as human beings, we can follow whatever theological beliefs we are FREE to (& btw we have total right to our beliefs AND opinions!) but above all, I think YOU might be surprised most of us believe, in the end, of the total overwhelming & mysterious MERCY of God & that HE alone judges us, not each other. Not how it works. Thankfully no fear, it's all in God's hands. I shudder to think if it were left in the hands of perhaps well-intended but flawed human beings (yeah, I include myself. Everyone is flawed)
But a big SIGH here....Thankfully not yours. (Ideally you can follow that you see I was kidding. I can't get beyond how YOU just depicted yourself as KNOWING something only GOD can so I had to allow some VERY deserved amusement here).
That doesn't mean some persons don't subscribe to that general tenet (about gays, back to that)....some may or may not hold certain beliefs. In truth, all up to them (& no, just for clarity, not that it's of consequence but have no problem adding...I'm not gay, I am married to my husband) but to make HUGE intolerant swipes like you did, well....that is rather ironic since you are making FUN of those YOU deem to be intolerant (who's the real intolerant person here? And I am wrong when pointing at you??!)
OH but other than knowing when life begins (your GOD complex) I think maybe second most amusing is the "9 mths of HELL" line! So funny.
I dunno WHERE you derive your information from, again, I can only sit enormously bemused. All the while, maybe assume your Mom told you she went through NINE mths of torture bringing you into the world.
I mean, I am NOT trying to be mean --I realize how cruel that reads--but that's the only conclusion I can bring myself to because I have NO idea of the basis of anything you've written so far.
OH next. Best line maybe!! .............
care about "babies 5 to 99?"???
First, let me elucidate one thing upfront--THAT range is NOT an age of "BABIES!" I hope you realize as much.
Second, of course I care about human beings of ALL ages, I am NOT crazy.
And third, to return to your rather-insane assertion that some persons are NOT worthy of being born --that they must EARN it, well, what can one say? That's TOO funny for words!! First it breeds the question of HOW does one know BEFORE the life has been lived anyhow? You think someone knows WHO is great in the womb?
And that's not even valid to go there FIRST. Because philosophically, that's invalid premise anyhow!
DO let me pose this question to YOU...given your insane stance, do YOU feel you were worthy of life?
DO YOU????
What merit have you contributed & WHO is arbitrator to judge what constitutes "worthy" and "UNworthy"?
Cuz I dunno, I gotta say...given what you've revealed, sounds questionable (that is, hypothetically, IF I were OF YOUR STANCE..naturally I am NOT. The simple fact is YOU have as much right to this place on earth, the air we breathe & ALL its resources as me & every other person here).
And on ONE last note--or I HOPE I am near concluding here, who knows-- I honestly DO hope you find your way out of poverty.
And not just to be philanthropic but because it's the charitable & right wish for every decent human being.
I am very middle class (maybe slightly upper) and give a heck of a lot to charity due to being fortunate enough to do so but more importantly--at least to me it is--I give hours of my time DAILY volunteering. At least 2 to 3 hrs. five days a week. Have for over 20 years, it's simply part of my life at this point.
Which let me tell you, to give of yourself & your time, your mental acuity & heart & all your attributes you can muster, is FAR more difficult than writing a check (even if also FAR more rewarding) and I often conduct my charity work beside others who haven't a pot to piss in but also surrender their time. You know what? Theirs is as valuable as mine (I'd say maybe MORE but that's impossible...we all are giving!)
So think of doing that maybe, I promise you this, this simple act/decision often leads to greater things. In one way or another. Brings a peace you may never experience otherwise & sense of purpose beyond ANY amount of money (and trust that I made plenty in my chosen field. Yes, granted, it's nice to have money, it alleviates many problems/worries/concerns but I can assure anyone NOT having been overly successful/fortunate in that realm, it does NOT bring happiness or sense of contentment. It's a saying for a reason.
That comes Only from ppl & Our relationships--that is where REAL meaning lies. Money is ONLY a means to an end, that is all).
Plus it's true, the adage that when one GIVES, one receives back tenfold. Not being the objective (give for the sake of giving!) still you get far more in return. Dunno why that is, just how it shakes out; it's immeasurable really, there are sincerely NO words that suffice for how much value derives from helping someone else out (often suffering).
But you know, I would imagine you would laugh at this as those I MOST help in need are NOT even persons you believe deserve to be living. I can't help but wonder WHAT the heck you mean in writing "will be SOMEBODY"????
How can you not realize we are ALL somebody?
You must truly subscribe to the belief many lives are FAR more valuable than another's. Very untrue. And unfortunate, mistaken--not to mention, DANGEROUS-- system of beliefs.
I know I am not more or less important than any other living person. We were all created equal (just check our constitution sometime). then again, I've known this simple basic fact since the time I was a mere child. Maybe just raised well & the credit goes to my parents & family (and possibly school)....dunno.
I truly hope you get help, all kidding aside. Much of what you assert gives me chills (when I stop laughing which I suppose I should NEVER do).