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Social media is now flooded with posts promoting murdering pedophiles

Like, I get it. You have kids, if someone harmed them you would have no qualms about taking justice into your own hands. But why are pedophiles suddenly not entitled to due process because people have personal emotional reservation about them? Every crime, no matter how heinous, must be tried in the court of law. Oh, but except pedophiles, hang them in the public square and draw and quarter them. People are idiots, it’s just the hot button issue right now.


What does Eric Clapton have in common with a pedophile?

They both love fingering minors




Both aren’t allowed to babysit?


Internet provocateurs are having a hoo-haw by promoting a non-issue and making it seem political so they can watch the drooling class take the bait and get hysterical over something that has no significant impact in the real world.
Of course, it's easy to start flinging specious remarks at anyone for pointing this out as if they are pro pedo. So it's just ugliness ramped up to whatever degree they can manage.




A good deterrent would be to take sentenced pedophiles, sterilize them, and then execute them publicly the biblical way by tying a millstone around their necks and throwing them into the ocean, as a warning to other people who would dare touch a child in that manner. Bonus points if you can get the sharks to come in and finish the job.


Yeah exactly this is the kind of nonsense I’m talking about


You will note I said "sentenced" pedophiles, not those who had been accused. But then again, it would never fly because people would cry about "cruel and unusual punishment," despite the convicts deserving it.


I can't explain my sexuality. I am attracted to women. I can't explain why. When I think about it with reason, I know this is not a choice, but somehow part of my genetic code.

There is a growing field of science into what makes a pedophile, or a person attracted to prepubescents. Scientists now think that somehow the normal 'codeing' of our hardwired brain to be attracted to fertility has been hijacked.

Pedophiles DO choose to have sex with prepubescents, so justice must take place. But a changing view of pedophilia as a disease based condition is
slowly taking hold.


Yeah I don’t think they’re evil monsters hell bent on destroying children, but they certainly need to be kept away from them


yes he need to start killing pedo i am pro that. torture them to death would be even better, slowly very slowly


When is social media not flooded with garbage?


You lost me at ‘Social media’.


John Paul Rice urged viewrs to take action to end violations in the indusrtry,that are not accidental.


I wouldn't read too much into it, what you're seeing is probably just a bunch of helicopter parents who are trying to look more protective of their children than their peers.

However... in a society where the poor are considered to be below the rule of law and the rich are functionally above it, being seen as above the law is now considered a status symbol. I don't know if this necessarily ties in, but faith in the justice system is at an all-time low for a reason.


Yeah good point
