MovieChat Forums > maixiu > Replies
maixiu's Replies
Tell me which Fortune 500 company gives preferential hiring to white people? Which top tier university gives more weight to white applicants? You can't name one, because it doesn't exist. Every single instance of codified discrimination - and most of these outfits are quite upfront about their goal of erasing whiteness via DIE measures - does it at the expense of white people. Every. Single. Time. That's the very definition of "institutional racism", i.e. all the structures of power are openly on board with reducing the status of white people and of committing cultural genocide on white history. Government, academia, media, entertainment, Big Tech, corporations; there's no light between them when it comes to denigrating whites and promoting the new Jim Snow. That's true power, unlike your hoary memories of a century-old segregation. Join us in 2024 when you're ready.
As for your strict avoidance of the genetic question, well, that's what I thought. But I'm sure you have one of those signs in your front yard that professes how much you believe "science is real!" Until, that is, it runs up against your carefully cultivated sociological beliefs.
Oh, you want to cloak your prejudices in science? Great! I believe in factual, verifiable, repeatable science too. And what observation of the real world tells us is that the differences among the races are profound and widespread. You tried to slip in the bland phrase "some other various genetic traits" so that you could later say you had already addressed this, but maybe you could enumerate some of those traits. What are they? Do they explain why much of Sub-Saharan Africa was essentially neolithic when Europeans arrived? Did they contribute to the ascendency of the Han and Japanese in Asia? Do they play a role in the ability of Ashkenazi Jews to succeed in countless countries outside their ancestral home? Can they answer why blacks and whites excel at different athletic endeavors? Do they help us understand FBI crime statistics? Or is it all down to that magical substance melanin?
And even if we accept your scientifically illiterate claim that the differences between black and white are only skin deep, what does it say about you that you then find it acceptable to have a culture and society that actively and institutionally discriminates against white people?
Translation: "Shh, stop noticing all the anti-white hate!"
I like the music as a stand-alone but boy was it out of place in a period piece.
I think it was an homage to a similar scene in 1934's "It Happened One Night".
"Are you two training for the Olympics or something?"
Special Olympics, perhaps.
Is English your first language?
I could probably find the word faggot in a hundred movies of that era. So what?
As mentioned, Bogie was always Bogie. This role demanded a man who had a certain innocence to him at the beginning of the film, without the hard boiled edge that Bogart had difficulty shedding. Neff's transformation and his inner sadness at what he's become doesn't work unless he starts out with the insouciance that MacMurray was able to portray.
"Clever fellow. Almost missed me!"
Since this is deleted, what did I miss?
Andrew Clark of The Breakfast Club. He threatens to knock out Bender for taking liberties with a lady. Earlier, during Pride week, he protects a fellow student from marauding Sodomites by taping his ass cheeks together.
Someone check the visitors' log at the White House and see if there was recently an R. Macchio on the premesis.
You know it!
Hey hey! Strider, Strider, Strider....
F5, the finger of kangz!
All institutionalized racism in today's world is directed at white men.
Why is there a cross-dresser in this movie? Because of course there is! They're just super special and if you don't want to let a man in a sun dress stick his cock in your ass, well you're just a bigot.
Yeah, because cross-dressers and groomers don't already enjoy the support of every institution in the West, from government to media to academia to corporations. Even when they murder 9 year old kids, the media tells us that the real victim is the cross-dressing killer.
If I came to work tomorrow (for a massive globohomo corporation) wearing a sun dress and lipstick, every single person at my place of work would be forced to not just look the other way but celebrate my degeneracy. Anyone who uttered a peep about such behavior being abnormal, anyone who shunned me, would be walked out and the remaining employees would likely have to undergo reeducation camp.
So piss off with the "day of visibility" crap. You're being increasingly shoved in our faces each and every day.
Why do you deny basic observable facts of life? What does it get you?