whoanelly's Replies

Great point! I agree. It seems as though they deliberately chose chaperones who would create drama, and not in a good way. Also, Mrs. Hammond was so annoying in how she kept trying to push Lisa Braund toward Chris. Lisa wasn’t interested, plus Mrs. Hammond was only doing it so she could “win.” She took the “playing the game” aspects way too seriously. RHP isn’t Survivor, for heaven’s sake. Yes, Cora refers to signing away her rights to her money in the first season when she says to Violet, “that paper your husband made me sign.” Cora agreed to it so she could marry Robert because she was in love with him. Definitely Brandon! Willoughby is such a snake! I love this one too! I am so sad to see that all of the old imdb discussions On this film never made it over to this new forum. Well,said! Fanny and Henry are not well-suited at all. And I wouldn’t wish a husband like Henry on anyone. They guy is a rake who will disregard his vows (and those of his partner) and take what he wants. He’ll quickly dispose of his plaything after having his fun, like he did with Maria. Betty Bickerton? I think that’s her name. Heh, to each their own. I have never found any of those things off-putting. I hardly notice. In the US, it might be on Amazon Prime. I saw some of the other 1970s/1980s Austen BBC titles on Prime last week. They had p&p, Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey. They likely have Emma too. He loves her because she is a good daughter. She cares for her father, makes him comfortable, reassures him, helps him feel secure, etc. and she takes seriously her responsibility to the poor, infirmed, and neglected people of the village. She does a lot of selfish things, too, but George can see past those things to her inner goodness. He almost gives up on her after Box Hill, because he perceives her behavior there as indicative of Frank’s influence over her and assumes it means she is in love with Frank. Furthermore, it is exactly what happened with Jane Austen’s own brother, Edward. He had to take the last name of his aunt and uncle in order to inherit their estate. It wasn’t a barouche. It was small carriage, something like a gig (2 wheels) or a curricle (4 wheels). Probably the Emma-George age difference. I don’t agree. Jane Fairfax deceives her aunt, her grandmother, everyone in Hartfield, and her future father-in-law and his wife. She enters into a secret engagement knowing Frank’s aunt would disapprove. Fanny isn’t capable of such deceptions; she would feel duty-bound to tell, ask permission, and withhold her consent until permission was granted. It is a climactic moment when she stands up to her uncle Bertram and refuses to marry Henry. In that action, she remains true to herself and to her moral compass (knowing Henry is a rake, and disapproving his behavior with her engaged cousin). As for Frank, he’s hardly the immoral rake Henry Crawford is; he’s selfish, vain, deceitful, and neglectful of the duties owed his father and step-mother, but hardly a rake. Yes, and it has been fixed repeatedly, but Masterpiece fans keep messing up the imdb database. Does the OP mean the best 3, or my favorite 3? Best 3 Emma Mansfield Park Pride and Prejudice Fave 3 Pride and Prejudice Persuasion Emma (But that is just soooo difficult because I really love Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park and Sense and Sensibility!) Creepy both. But definitely creepy in Borat No idea. I bailed pretty early I love the 1972 production with Doran Godwin! My faves: Emma - Doran Godwin, BBC 1972 George Knightley - Johnny Lee Miller, BBC 2009 Harriet - Samantha Morton, 1996 Meridian Television Mrs. Weston - Samantha Bond, 1996 Meridian Television Mr. Weston - Robert Bathurst, BBC 2009 Mr. Woodhouse - Donald Eccles, 1972 BBC John Knightley - Guy Henry, 1996 Meridian Television Isabella Knightley- Poppy Miller, BBC 2009 Mr. Elton - Dominic Rowan, 1996 Meridian Television Mrs. Elton - Juliet Stevenson, 1996 Miramax Miss Bates - Tamzin Grieg, BBC 2009 Frank Churchill - Raymond Coulthard, 1996 Meridian Television Jane Fairfax - Olivia Williams, 1996 Meridian Television Me too