MovieChat Forums > HelpMeRhonda > Replies
HelpMeRhonda's Replies
I've always wanted to do that to someone. And someday, I will.
That would be bomb! Buddy flick all the way.
For sure. Caught it on cable many times growing up. One of those where you can tune in anytime.
Kind of ironic.
Oh maybe that had something to do with it.
Today's youth are more like the kids in Grease than some realize.
I think that gun violence amongst children became this big issue. Maybe he didn't want to contribute to that. I'll say that when I was a kid, the scenes with ET and Eliot all hooked up to the IVs and whatnot freaked me out, but that just made the part where they escape on the bikes even cooler.
Thelma & Louise was more fun for me because it involved 2 women on the run.
He's underrated I think. I like him in Gatsby.
I don't know what I would've done in Arthur's situation. I understood where he's coming from, wanting to live for himself and needing support from his girls, but he did do Eve pretty dirty. At the same time, she was bonkers. Too fragile.
I do like ol Tommy Davidson.
Do America. It had a great soundtrack, and the movie hit at the peak of the TV show. The Simpsons movie is funny, but it felt a little late. Like, "oh crap the show is going downhill. Let's put out a movie."
For real though. Even though Reeve did have the dilemma of losing his powers so he could be with Lois.
Mmm okay, I could see those being on the same level. I'd put Superman over them but I haven't seen it in awhile.
If not aliens, certainly Luciferians.
Call it a hunch.
Yeah Gadot doesn't show a whole lot of emotion, but I just took it as the Amazons are supposed to be these stone-faced women who hold back emotions. Even if that's so, it kind of got old. That's why I thought the part where she leaves Chris Pine forever was really good; she showed some feeling there.
What's another movie you'd rate as a 5?
Oh see I've never seen the 3rd one. I like Richard Pryor but I think you're the first I've heard say anything good about the movie. I'll check it out though. For Richie.
Absolutely. Kyle Reese's little monologue in the parking garage was terrifying and so cool at the same time.
It's a creepy movie the whole way thru. Gotta love a good chase picture.