MovieChat Forums > ChipDouglas > Replies
ChipDouglas's Replies
I'm pretty sure she doesn't. She plays an outsider/punk character that comes later in the movie.
You already have summoned them. Kowalski commented.
Did you see it?
Yeah way too cutesy for a Saw poster. Should have went with something more standard like Billy, Jigsaw, a skin puzzle piece... a lot of things would've been more fitting.
You can see a lot of him in the In Search of Darkness documentary series. I agree he seems really fucking cool
The theater I went to see this at had a sign posted by the ticket window warning of intense strobes for this movie. It is the first time I've ever seen a warning like that. I loved it. I think it was supposed to be hard to watch in order to put you into the mind of someone being cloned.
Thank you for asking this! I was thinking the same thing when I saw the trailer
Calling it a "solid" movie is just stupid. Taste may be subjective, but even you should know that there are rules to what makes up a good movie.
Infinity Pool and Inside were good 2023 horror movies. I loved Infinity Pool and would rate it 10/10. While I didn't totally like Inside I could respect people liking it.
It's laughable what you find to be good. The Pope's Exorcist? C'mon
There are genres beyond of which you can't even comprehend so before making a general statement based strictly on your limited scope please state it as such.
Why do you think that?
so edgy
Well said. I love this movie
I prefer 1 over 2 and 3. 2 and 3 are very zany. I don't think there would be anything wrong returning to that tonality though in the next.
Idk about one of the best. Top 50 maybe
Thanks for sharing btw!
I wonder what he thinks about Saw
One of the best? You need to watch more movies lmao