Theman's Posts

How did they do the special fx where Ron and Harry looked like Crabbe and Goyle? Interesting Yahoo article including bits about fourth ending. Staffer accuses Governor Cuomo of sexual harassment. Do you think that if Luke kept the computer on the Death Star would of still blew? NFL football question. Do you consider A New Hope to be part of Star Wars official cannon? I find it appalling that Hollywood openly discriminates against What do you attribute to the fall of television sports ratings over the last several years? I do not think there is anything wrong with Cultural Appropiation but for those who do... How come it is ok to put all religions except Christianity in mass media? Do you think Trump hit it out of the park yesterday? That scene... (spoilers) Can you catch Covid-19 sharing earplugs with a Covid-19 infected person? Former FBI lawyer admits falsifying document so FBI could wiretap former Trump campaign advisor. She seems so cool. Biden’s mask proposal is wrong. MLB no hitter question. Did anyone think... (major spoilers) Biden calls Trump ‘first racist president’. Hollywood is changing the Playboy Indian into a Playboy French Maid with CGI.