MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden calls Trump ‘first racist presiden...

Biden calls Trump ‘first racist president’.

Even if Trump were racist it wouldn’t be true as FDR was a big time racist who snubbed Jessie Owens after winning gold who later called FDR out on it.


So was Reagan. He was a proud racist.


So was Clinton. He was a proud racist.


So was Obama. He was a proud racist.


Jackson, Nixon, Eisenhower... even Roosevelt put Japanese-Americans into concentration camps. Can anyone name a president who wasn't racist? Obama! Yay!

Can anyone name another?


Obama deported brown people, 1.5 million people forced out of the US.


So you admit that democrats are not soft on immigration. Obama also created DACA!


I agree that Obama was the worst when it came to immigrants. That how he got his name is from the immigrants coming to the US for a better life, but Obama callously sent them packing for no reason. So he became the Deporter-in-Chief.

At least Trump gives them a chance to stay here and make a better life for themselves, after all we are all immigrants.


Obama was actually very racist. Racism against whites counts as racism too.


Obama is half-white. You're not too bright.


That doesn't matter, still a racist president.


It all should make any intelligent person realise that the term "Racist" is an utterly meaningless word. Every race is unique. Therefore it is inevitable that every race can be called racist.


Woodrow Wilson was the first racist White Supremacist president of the modern era.


That's what I was going to say. Woodrow Wilson, the first modern liberal Democrat president, a "progressive" icon, resegregated the federal government after Republicans had desegregated it.

By contrast I've never even heard Trump say anything racially bigoted. Biden has though.


Listen fat, you ain't black!


"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."


Trump IS a racist! He also is a bigot. Have you Ever read the list of his lies and broken promises? Thousands!!! He also is homophobic and misogynist among other things. I can't wait until he is out of the White House! He is despicable, the worst president the USA has ever had!


Well, that just about covers your descriptive hateful words you have of Trump! 🤬 Are there more you wish to spew? There’s a list numbering in the ”thousands” of lies and broken promises? 😱 I must say you are more informed than the rest of us. You surely have to be proud of the fact you are so knowledgeable! 👏🏻👏🏻🥱


"In 1,267 days, President Trump has made 20,055 false or misleading claims"

"It took President Trump 827 days to top 10,000 false and misleading claims in The Fact Checker’s database, an average of 12 claims a day.

But on July 9, just 440 days later, the president crossed the 20,000 mark — an average of 23 claims a day over a 14-month period, which included the events leading up to Trump’s impeachment trial, the worldwide pandemic that crashed the economy and the eruption of protests over the death of George Floyd in police custody.

The coronavirus pandemic has spawned a whole new genre of Trump’s falsehoods. The category in just a few months has reached nearly 1,000 claims, more than his tax claims combined. Trump’s false or misleading claims about the impeachment investigation — and the events surrounding it — contributed almost 1,200 entries to the database.

The notion that Trump would exceed 20,000 claims before he finished his term appeared ludicrous when The Fact Checker started this project during the president’s first 100 days in office. In that time, Trump averaged fewer than five claims a day, which would have added up to about 7,000 claims in a four-year presidential term. But the tsunami of untruths just keeps looming larger and larger.

As of July 9, the tally in our database stands at 20,055 claims in 1,267 days.

Just as when Trump crossed the 10,000 threshold, an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News helped Trump breach the 20,000 mark. Trump racked up 62 claims on July 9, about half of which came during the Hannity interview: Trump’s statements cover a substantial range of his bogus attacks, conspiracy theories, boasts and inaccurate information:


— Former president Barack Obama “did not want” to give surplus military equipment to police. Obama scaled back the program but still allowed specialized firearms, manned and unmanned aircraft, explosives and riot gear.

— Trump has “tremendous support” in the African American community. No polling shows this.

— Trump “insisted” the National Guard be used in Minneapolis to quell disturbances and Seattle officials “knew” he was ready to act with force if the city did not shut down protests. Local officials say neither claim is true; they acted on their own.

— The United States has a “record” for coronavirus testing, and China has not tested as many people as the United States. The United States still lags several major countries in terms of tests per million people, the best metric for comparison. The United States has a higher per capita testing rate than China, but China in June said it had tested 90 million people — at the time, three times as many as the United States.

— Obama and former vice president Joe Biden “spied” on his campaign and “knew everything that was going on.” Trump has made allegations of Obama spying since 2017, based on little or no evidence.

So far during his presidency, Trump’s most repeated claim — 360 times — is that the U.S. economy today is the best in history. He began making this claim in June 2018, and it quickly became one of his favorites. He’s been forced to adapt for the tough economic times, and doing so has made it even more fantastic. Whereas he used to say it was the best economy in U.S. history, he now often recalls that he achieved “the best economy in the history of the world.”

That’s not true."

I heavily edited this article because his lies were too lengthy!!!


Polk would buy and sell slaves inside the white house building. But he was a democrat so that doesn't count.


Don’t you know by now if “you don’t vote for ain’t Black!” Oh, my mistake! 🙇🏼‍♀️ That was directed at the other guy!

Some very interesting reading for Democrats in denial.

Is The Democratic Party Proud of its History of Slavery & Segregation?

If today’s Democrats had a shred of integrity and intellectual honesty, they would have some humility about their own history, rather than offering up the egregiously false claim that they have been on the side of the angels continuously for 200 years. 200 years ago, in 1814, our president was James Madison – a Democrat, a great man in other ways, but a slaveowner. At least four other Democratic presidents between then and the Civil War owned slaves, and the Democrats were the locus of national political support for slavery throughout that period. The Civil War was launched by Democrats who refused to accept the election in 1860 of an anti-slavery Republican president, for a variety of reasons but mainly due to slavery. Democrats reasserted control of Southern politics at the end of Reconstruction through a heavy application of terrorism by the Klu Klux Klan (in Mississippi in the 1870s, they basically murdered anyone suspected of voting Republican).


I can say now he is getting worse and needs put in a mental home. He is a danger to himself or others.


OMGosh! He is getting worse. Why would he say such gibberish? I thought the Dems hated the fact Trump was attempting, before the virus, to have civil dealings with China. What does saying “You can’t tell the difference between Chinese and Korean!” have to do with the virus? Trump is talking about China’s leaders, not the people! What an inane comment!


I can tell the difference in Asians. I do know also that any guy or girl that ends up looking like Nancy Pelosi will vote for Biden.


Hah! 😅😂🤣


He's not completely wrong!!


Evidently he doesn't know history very well, (like most Democraps), or he'd find a lot of racist presidents who came before Trump, including the brown clown whose wife hated white people.


Well now we know where you stand! 😅
